I threw my Mission 2.0 tonight for the first time. It is drilled pin over the bridge and mb kicked out. A weight hole was used to make it legal.
The first game was an 11 strike 266 with a 7-10 split in the 5th frame; (threw it slow and through the nose). Next game was 243 with a missed 7 pin in the 5th. Last game I missed two more single pin spares and left a 6-7-10 split for 201. The result was a 710 series.
Alright the result was not quite it should have been; due to my shoddy spare shooting, but I'll take it. The ball is exactly what I wanted to see. Long and strong with great continuation. On this THS I was fairly straight up the boards to start the night; standing two boards left of center and playing about 11 at the arrows. By the end of the night I had moved 4 and 4. It is a great compliment to the Mission; but I did find I was able to use it out of the gate too, just a little more down and in. I was very impressed with the reaction and hit of the ball.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.
Kurt Vonnegut