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Author Topic: mission to rant  (Read 6423 times)


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mission to rant
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:43:03 AM »
ok I am really perplexed. I just read a post comparing my 140 dollar mission to the 84 dollar riot. Now thats bad enough,but the guy posting is the first person to see what i have seen from the mission,that its a medium light ball and nothing more. oil is its nemisis and its not worth the money or the hype. Yeah its a good ball,but i really feel as though i was sold a box full of rocks and i am not blaming anyone for it,I just feel like i got conned. This is one of the priciest balls i have ever bought and to find out i could have had the same ball for 60 less,and to feel as though i was crazy for knocking it is really a kick in the pants. At least i am not the only one honest enough to say something against one of the newest hookers,(street walker whose job is to seperate you from your money for a cheap thrill),instead of berate anyone not seeing the beast you see. No I am not going to buy a riot,but knowing i should have, and seeing the rating of the ball at med light and the mission med heavy,(B s),I bent over again and probably, will again,its just the idea,there was supposed to be a laptop in this box,i got a 200 dollar yellow pages.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


Dan Belcher

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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2010, 12:53:24 PM »
I'd love to see a video of you actually throwing the Mission with a piece of tape placed on it so we could see how it flared going down the lane. It is a very strong ball, but again, the conditions you're seeing mixed with your drilling/surface/etc. PLUS your release can make a huge difference in how it rolls. For example, my Mutant Cell doesn't hook very much while everybody else I see gets theirs to cover a ton of boards. However, my release also results in the ball burning up earlier than those other people's, and I don't get the recovery downlane they see as a result.

For reference, my teammate at Nationals bought a Mission while in Reno, and I worked with the Ebonite booth crew to come up with a layout for him.  It ended up being a 5" pin to PAP, small pin buffer, with the MB in the track. He wanted a ball that could corner on heavier oil, but also let him move deeper inside and not burn up or get too skid-flippy. The ball rolls exactly like we intended. However, it's too friggin' strong! He barely was able to use it at Nationals because he couldn't stay off the headpin with it.


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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2010, 03:47:43 PM »
If I may, theoretically speaking if the ball carries, I would find a way to get it to the pocket, even if I have to bowl straight up the 17th board.  And to paraphrase you " what good is carry if YOU can''t get it to the pocket".  You just actually answered your own problem.

I just checked your profile, low rev, low track.  With this, unless the lane conditions are perfect for you, no matter what high end ball you buy, it wont hook a lot.  Sorry, just physics.


PS nothing bad intended, but maybe you could get someone to check/correct your release.  It would have an infinitely bigger effect than a new ball.


Edited on 3/20/2010 3:51 PM



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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2010, 04:07:17 PM »

 Not only that, but there is also the fact that what one person calls "heavy" oil, another calls only medium.

 Some people will see the MISSION as a heavy oil ball, some will see it as medium condition, and some will wonder why their new MISION doesn't hook at all.

 C'MON GUYS. Just because a ball is $200 doesn't mean it's a hook machine, nor does the fact that it's $100 mean it's not. I see cheaper balls outperform higher balls all the time BECAUSE THEY'RE BEING USED ON THE CORRECT CONDITIONS!

 To the OP, I understand how you feel, but it is exactly what I had to explain to a friend of mine about ball ratings.  What EBONITE calls med/heavy MAY BE EXACTLY what rotogrip calls med/lite, so you can't use COMPANY PROPAGANDA to compare equipment from one company to the next. As an example, the Storm REIGN is supposed to be for medium conditions, but my friend has one that hooks the entire lane, EVEN WHEN WE HAVE OUR "HEAVY OIL" SHOT, so what is considered "HEAVY" here, must be what Storm calls lite/medium.

 Trust me, the RIOT IS NOT = TO THE MISSION on ALL shots, but it may be on SOME.  And it may be that it would've matched better for you on the condition you bowl on.
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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2010, 04:25:44 PM »
I have two Missions, one drilled above the bridge and one under my middle finger, they are completely different in reaction. Neither are medium light oil balls.

BTM had it rated at 52 which is not by any means a super oiler but not weak either.

WIthout seeing your layout, how you throw it, and what conditions you are trying to throw it on, there is not much anyone here can do to help you.

Take it to 1000 and see if the reaction improves, that is a good start....
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Zack Pelton300

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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2010, 04:59:31 PM »
I have a mission drilled 3 1/2 x 5 pin down. it is the second strongest ball I have. I would guess it is burning up on ya


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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2010, 08:46:19 PM »
what good is carry if you cant get it to the pocket

my style, the art of bowling without bowling

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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2010, 06:14:31 PM »
move your feet,thats great I get it it doesnt really matter what i or anyone says,its all biased on every individuals perception,that being said,back to how i opened this post,nevermind whats the point.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2010, 07:20:26 PM »
The Mission is the hottest ball out at our house. At least 10 people throwing it. One 800 series by one guy that has been in a slump for months.

Ball works best when there is oil up front. Also, for those that come around the ball, rather than working the inside, the ball is leaves all kinds of crazy splits once the oil begins to break down.

For me, I have tried adjusting the cover both up and down, with and without polish. I have decided to go back to 2000 abralon (OOB) and use the ball when the lane permits. I practiced Saturday night, went 1377 (+177) for six games. The two games (third and fourth) I used the Mission at 2000 polished with Beans Sauce, I shot 180 and 194.  Getting to the pocket but left every single pin spare you could imagine. Moved right and increased my speed, same result.

Used a polished 4000 abralon VG  and 2000 polished Arsenal Artillery two games each. Both matched up much better on the broken down house shot than the Mission. Best 6 game set I have shot this year.

Not knocking the Mission, but I do think you have to have oil up front for it to shine.
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Re: mission to rant
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2010, 01:08:34 AM »
move your feet,thats great I get it it doesnt really matter what i or anyone says,its all biased on every individuals perception,that being said,back to how i opened this post,nevermind whats the point.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Gee sorry, But it sounds like you dont have enough oil where you are playing moving your feet left would be a logical choice here, trying to find more oil, right?

Move the target deeper that will help you also.

And last but not least this ball is designed to be used when oil is present and fresh, throwing the ball on dry condition will cause the ball to burn early which will appear like a lack of hook. As said above if their isnt enough oil in the head of the lane this will ball will burn early. If you are bowling where the lane surface is wooden or well used synthetic where the track will hook right away this ball may not be the best choice.

I know it is frusterating but throwing blame on the ball doesnt impress me. Their are NO bad balls on the market today. If used on the proper condition with proper drill patterns any ball will be good/great.

Heance my operator error and move your feet comments. I dont mean to be a prick but that is just the sum of it.

Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind
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