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Author Topic: my first video  (Read 2378 times)


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my first video
« on: May 05, 2006, 01:31:01 PM »
hey guys.. so i've been bowling about 9-10 months and decided to video myself for the first time to try to see my flaws.. heres my video link:

I'm throwing an Ebonite Over Time 14lb on medium oiled lanes.

Tell me if you see anything wrong..i expect to hear a lot lol.

be honest too, i just want to improve my game in any way possible.

p.s. by the way.. some of my problems, or what i think my problems are.. is

1. i open up on my backswing.. i try not to, but its become muscle memory instinct and i cant get away from it, im not sure why i do it.

2. i dont know how to slide -_-

3. i think my body looks funny lol


Big Jake

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Re: my first video
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 06:00:18 PM »
hey turtle82,
 You actually have more ball then most 10 yr. vets. do on a typical night league

as far as your style goes I would say that your start is to fast so try slowing down some at your START and your timing will fall into place.

Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: my first video
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 02:30:24 AM »
thanks so much for all the input guys !
i try really hard to improve my game each time i am at the lanes.. and i love to study and learn the game.
i agree with everythign you say riptide! sometimes i get in a lot of trouble because now that i have the rev rate and spped that i do, its hard to take it off lol.. so when the lanes burn up, i struggle.

im actually joining a league this wednesday so im kind of excited.. it will be my first time with some oil in a LONG time, since i bowl on a dollar night most of the time where it gets crowded and burnt lol.
thanks for all the tips im going to try hard on working on every one of them


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Re: my first video
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2006, 02:32:51 AM »
BTW i use to have a bigtime problem with lofting the ball up into the lane, because i couldn't get a clean release.. i awtch videos of some of the pros and they release the ball right at the line with no loft at all.. should i focus more on that? what do you think of my loft.. i hear kind of a thud and i dont really like it..


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Re: my first video
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 09:58:35 AM »
1. i open up on my backswing.. i try not to, but its become muscle memory instinct and i cant get away from it, im not sure why i do it.

2. i dont know how to slide -_-

3. i think my body looks funny lol

My responce:

1. Amletto Monacelli has made a good living with almost the same arm swing.

2. You don't need to

3. Call a plastic surgeon

Overall the only thing you might need to work on is adjustments like playing different parts of the lane and maybe smoothing out your release, it may be pretty smooth now it's just hard to tell on the video.

I think for only bowling less than a year you are truly talented and gifted at this sport and should stay with it as long as you can.

Best of luck



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Re: my first video
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2006, 04:01:24 PM »
IMO, if you really want to find out what you need to improve on with your game, try to find a true sport shot league.  Since you are just starting out, its not too late to become more versatile.  By that I mean being able to play from deep inside all the way out to straight up 2 or 3 board.  When that becomes part of your game, look out.  A good example of that is Norm Duke.  He can play outside first arrow or inside 5th.  Along with that comes different hand positions and releases.  And, last but not least, learn how to pick spares.  I say that because I see many young bowlers who can throw a ton of strikes but can't pick a spare to save their _ss.

Good luck.
