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Author Topic: My Infinite One Is Awesome  (Read 893 times)


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My Infinite One Is Awesome
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:46:25 AM »
I bought a Infinite One after throwing a demo ball at my local house. Mine has the pin over the ring finger, cg is kicked out a little. No weight hole. White inserts with a red thumb mold. I threw this one a house shot, the backends were dry so this ball couldn't be used. Went to another house that night at a tournament, shot 222 out of the box. Placed 3rd in the youth division. I had a Tough Shots Youth Tour Tournament the next day. Went down there, we had the PBA Viper pattern. I could suitcase the ball up 10, it hooked right in the pocket. High game was 207. Went bowling the next day, 216 first game, then 154, 184, 235, 149, 180, carried a 186 avg. I'm glad I bought this ball. I usually throw Big B, but I can also throw my other favorite companies. Anyone looking for versatility in oil and med - oil patterns should pick up one.
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Re: My Infinite One Is Awesome
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 05:22:38 PM »
Yes this is a great ball and it's pretty easy to control. It doesn't overhook and it has a nice arc to it.