Today i got my One drilled today. My coach put drilling #2 on it. When i practiced with it I wasn't exactly thrilled with the first couple of shots. However i switched lines and started playin around with it to see what it does, and going out from 15 to 5 the ball came back and straight up 10 it was a monster, However. When i left from that house i went to my regular one AND i was sadly dissappointed. Im not sure what condition oob is for,but it didn't do the same thing at this house at the other one. The reason i ask is because it was a crap load of oil at the first house and really light w/ lots of carry down, so it really wasn't performin. Should i expect this. I'll find out what it does truly tomorrow when i go to league. Not sure about this though.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws gutterballs back to back at one point in their life

Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!