the BW and NM from hammer seem to only differ in the core of the ball. I've thrown a NM that was drilled nearly the same as my BW and the reaction was nearly the same. the NM was a little stronger but i didn't notice any kind of drastic change. I just moved a board or two left and moved my target a little down the lane. I actually have a similar style to the way you bowl as well (power stroker) and i saw both balls have strong mid lane action and good motion on the back of the lanes. the NM is a little more speed sensetive, take too much off and your going way left as opposed to going straight through the nose like the BW does. either way I say try something new and get the NV. All in all each of the balls are good balls just personal opinion i guess.
Edited on 2/22/2007 10:50 AM