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Author Topic: Need suggestions, Angular One  (Read 1214 times)


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Need suggestions, Angular One
« on: December 06, 2006, 02:51:55 PM »
I just got a 15# AO. I plan on using it on med.heavy to heavy oil. Ball speed,14.5, med to high rev's. I've been getting very good results with Spitfire and Radical, both drilled for lenght on lite to med. oil. I'd like to hear opinions on what type of layout I should use for oil on this ball.




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Re: Need suggestions, Angular One
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 06:25:06 AM »
I have it set up for pin above fingers(Centered).  I pretty much throw the same speed and have med-high revs as well.  I have only thrown the ball 3 games, but it hits hard and hooks hard as well. The ball with this type of layout will go long and snap hard at the end.  I had to pretty much throw the ball of the center arrow and have it swing out to the 2 arrow before it would really snap and hit hard.  My third game I had 7 in a row.


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Re: Need suggestions, Angular One
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 08:27:30 AM »
Put your favorite layout on it and you will be good to go.  When it comes to heavier oil the cover grit is what's most important.

I will give you and example.  I use pin above the bridge on every ball in my arsenal.  This puts the pin 5.5" from my pap.  On symmetrical balls my layout is pin above the bridge, CG kicked right to 1oz and no balance hole.  On asymmetrical balls I use pin above the bridge and MB in the strong position(1"-2" right of thumb, balance hole only if needed to get the MB in the correct position.  Usually no balance hole.  On my NO MERCY the pin is above the bridge and HART left of thumb which is a recommend layout from Hammers drill sheets.

My point is I use the same pin location on every ball I have.  I let the cover and cores separate the reactions.  Each ball in my arsenal reacts different.  My DOOM with this layout goes long and back ends strong.  My PAIN with the same exact layout reads the mids great and is smooth on the back end.  2 balls with the same exact layout but do different things.

The cover is what's important.  So if your bowling on heavier oil and the ball is sliding too much then bring the cover down.  If it's slides too much while polished then bring it down to 4000 grit and no polish.  If that's not enough then bring it to 2000 grit.  You get the gist of what i'm saying.

If you drill a ball to roll really early for heavy oil it will be very condition specific.  If you give this same ball a good back end layout with some length it can always be adjusted with a cover change.  It won't be as condition specific.

So if your looking to use the angular one in heavier oil patterns then just put your favorite layout on it.  If it's not enough then dull it down a bit.

Some bowlers like to drill each ball different.  Not me I like to drill them all with the same pin location.  Since taken this approach my game has got a lot better.
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