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Author Topic: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts  (Read 3879 times)

Jeff Ussery

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New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« on: November 22, 2006, 05:43:57 AM »
New Angular One Videos are up, as requested.  I'll be working on an RXS300 video in the near future.  Enjoy!

Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Bowl to Win!

Edited on 11/22/2006 2:35 PM


Jeff Ussery

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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 09:41:02 PM »
All the replies are falling under the RXS thread.  I wanted to make sure everyone knew there were Angular One videos as well.

Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2006, 02:28:13 AM »
That is some wicked sick backend.
Awesome video!
\m/etal \m/ilitia


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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2006, 03:33:23 AM »
I would have to agree with D Pat, Ball #1 looked earlier and seemed to stop hooking right before it hit the pins, where Ball # 2 with the pin 1/2" from the val seemed to go longer, have a wider break point and still be hooking at the pins.

Very interesting how just moving the drilling up and down changes the ball's reaction. I like the way the Angular One reacts with drilling #1 I think that will be my Christmas present to myself this year.

Thanks for taking the time to make these videos. Have you done a video of two of the same ball with same pin and different mb positions?

Edited on 11/23/2006 4:24 AM


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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2006, 06:54:42 AM »
I would have to agree with D Pat, Ball #1 looked earlier and seemed to stop hooking right before it hit the pins, where Ball # 2 with the pin 1/2" from the val seemed to go longer, have a wider break point and still be hooking at the pins.

Very interesting how just moving the drilling up and down changes the ball's reaction. I like the way the Angular One reacts with drilling #1 I think that will be my Christmas present to myself this year.

Thanks for taking the time to make these videos. Have you done a video of two of the same ball with same pin and different mb positions?

Edited on 11/23/2006 4:24 AM
i just saw what you are saying.But i dont think he did mess them up he was playing more in the oil with layout #1 then #2 causing more backend with #2. I have 2 angular ones and with one of them if you throw it in the oil it will hook but not alot, which im guessing layout #2 has the same reaction in oil so he through it out more.


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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2006, 08:18:24 AM »
i just saw what you are saying.But i dont think he did mess them up he was playing more in the oil with layout #1 then #2 causing more backend with #2. I have 2 angular ones and with one of them if you throw it in the oil it will hook but not alot, which im guessing layout #2 has the same reaction in oil so he through it out more.  

He was playing deeper in the oil with ball #1 crossing between 25 and 20 and going out to between 10 and 7 at the break, Ball #2 was over the 3rd arrow and went out to around 5 at the break.

This means that ball #1 has to get into a roll earlier because it was deeper in the oil and the ball was making the turn back, where ball # 2 probably wouldn't have made it back, or would have finished behind the head pin, meaning it goes longer than ball # 1 and saves more energy for the back end than ball #1, so I stand by my first thought of the descriptions being opposite.

Jeff Ussery

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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 09:32:39 AM »
PinCrusher is actually right here...The videos are not switched.  What you are seeing is Ball #2 playing the lane from a farther outside angle.  Due to the position of the camera for those shots, it probably appears to you that the entry angle from Ball #2 is larger.  And given the portion of the lane I was throwing it in, it might have been the case on this day.  The statements I made on the slides were probably more indicative of the two balls thrown on the same line.

CoachJim is also right in that the balls were playing two different lines.  If I throw Angular One #2 on the line I was playing with #1, the statements I made on the slide will be obvious.  By moving further outside and getting Angular One #2 to the pocket, it appeared to create a lot of entry angle on the videos.

I've had some great input on the videos, and it's made me think about some things to include in the future shots.  Glad everyone is enjoying the videos!  All 3 of the newer balls are amazing and will be in my bag for quite some time!
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Bowl to Win!

Edited on 11/23/2006 10:28 AM

Jeff Ussery

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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2006, 11:25:39 AM »
Also, everyone shouldn't overlook that these layouts may perform drastically different for you and your game.  Please keep in mind that the ball and it's layout are just a portion of the factors contributing to your ball reaction.

If anyone has any questions, you can always e-mail me at  You're also free to call the Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline at 785-843-2658.  Happy Thanksgiving!
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2006, 06:56:43 PM »
Jeff I am thinking of getting an angular one for a sport league I have coming up in January. I have a Big One with drill pattern #2 and like it when there is enough oil to keep it from hooking too early, I was thinking of the same pattern for the Angular One, unless you think it would be too jumpy for a sport pattern. This seems to be a very versitile ball and the #2 drilling is pretty much a middle of the road pattern I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), so I was thinking I could go to the Angular in succession to the Big One.

Thanks in advance for any and all advice


Jeff Ussery

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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2006, 10:06:55 PM »

With the shiny pearlized finish, the Angular One will definitely get more length than your Big One in a similar layout.  As far as how it will react on your particular pattern, it's really hard to say.

One thing that most people seem to correlate together is sport compliant patterns with lower scoring or tougher lane conditions.  This is absolutely false.  It's certainly possible to develop sport compliant lane conditions that give you every bit as much room at the target as a regular condition.

An Angular One will definitely be flippy on a lane condition with little front to back taper.  If this describes the condition you're bowling on, you may want to look for something a little smoother, such as a Smash Time or Whirlwind.

Hopefully I've helped more than I've confused.
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2006, 05:22:22 AM »
Thanks again for the advice. I'm not sure what patterns are going to be used, so I'm thinking of developing a sport/tournament arsenal so I don't have to bring my equipment home with me every week, I can get a locker there which will prevent bringing my stuff to work and having my equipment freeze in my truck before I go to bowl that night.

I will need a heavy long pattern ball, a medium length oil pattern ball a short oil ball and a carry down ball, by that I mean a ball I can play deep inside when the heads have broken down a bit and get the ball out to around 12 to 15 at the break.

My specs are 5 3/4 over and 1/2 up, I get between 200 and 400 rpm depending on how I throw it, and between 0 and 80 degrees of axis rotation, Ron Clifton and Dr. Briggs have taught me to be pretty versitile.

For the heavy/ long pattern ball I am thinking of using my Big One, or picking up an Infinite One down the road.

For the Medium oil I might need two balls here, but for now I need one really versitile ball and I will fill the hole later.

For the short Oil I will need a drill pattern as well as a ball for this, since I don't see it very often, like maybe twice in the last 5 years, but they may put a short pattern and the only thing I have is my Blue Ice 5 1/2" pin 3 1/2" above the midline no weight hole, which may not be enough ball.

Again thanks in advance.


Jeff Ussery

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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2006, 09:44:13 AM »

Heavy/Long Oil - Can't beat an Infinite One in this pattern.  Nothing else reads the lane before the end of the pattern better than the Infinite One.

Medium Oil - I still prefer to use a Smash Time, possibly a Big Time Sanded (if you can control the breakpoint easily), or a Whirlwind.

Lighter/Shorter Oil - A Whirlwind with a weaker layout would also work here.  I've also had a lot of success with a polished Overtime.  You can see it in the first video I made.  It gets extremely long and still provides a strong move at the backend.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions!
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
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Re: New Angular One Videos***2 Different Layouts
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2006, 07:28:29 PM »
Thanks for the recommendations. I will probably not buy anything until after Christmas, I will let you know what I end up with, I like all of them it is just a matter of getting a good price on 3 or 4 balls, and having enough money left after the hollidays.

Thanks again.
