every ball made for the last 1-2 years has been made a specific color for a specific reason.
the amount of dye they have to put into a balls veneer (coverstock material) changes the texture ratings.
the original Mission was supposed to be a fleshy pale pink but it looked terrible and was unmarketable.
they used the next best tested color and it was the solid red.
the original color was supposed to be a teal color and it was about 4 boards less hook than the red color.
changing the color, changes the texture, which changes ball reaction.
its only the last few years that companies are putting money into research about color and its effect on reaction.
all this info is from Mr. Ed Gallagher, Ebonite Brand Manager (the bossman himself)
cheers, hope this helps...
Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Staff (4 years running)
Edited by EboKnight on 6/10/2011 at 8:50 PM