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Author Topic: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently  (Read 2000 times)


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Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« on: August 08, 2006, 04:08:49 AM »
Drilled Pin 4 1/2 mass bias in strong but not late revs position.  Small volume hole on PAP.

For the life of me I cannot get this piece to roll consistently on either med and wet house conditions and I have also tried it on a 42ft Sport condition and it does not give me a reaction I can adjust off of.

I wish it would be either too strong or too weak but I get over under with inconsistant hit.

I have adjusted the surface in both directions I have gone as high as 1000 grit(with and without polish) and as low as 400.

I liked the One I am hoping that this is not a bad core/coverstock match.

Help EBO people!!!  Any suggestions are welcome.



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Re: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 02:30:51 PM »
so u are having trouble with this ball. what i have found out is that this ball can only be used in oil. not dry or medium patterns.also u should not try to rev this ball up because its very strong in oil it does not need alot of revs. im averaging 242 in the first game only. once the shot dries up put this ball away and bring out the big one. my ball is drilled 3.5 to the pap with the mb strong. when i let the infinite one out of my hand naturally with out cranking it the ball works great. if i try to put alot of hand in it the ball over reacts. now i only have the cover at 500 but i will work with the cover so i can get different reactions out of this ball.   let me know if this helps.

Billy Ray

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Re: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 06:32:08 PM »
Give me more info as to what particular problems you are having with consistency of the ball. More than likely you are still not matching the surface to your speed/release and volume of oil.

Volume is more important than distance as the volume will break down differently than a particular distance. 42' is a reference point but if its a light volume the ball is still probably reading too early. ALso what surface is the lane you are rolling it on?
Billy Ray
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Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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Re: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2006, 12:29:47 PM »
BR / wood

Thanks for the replies.  My rev rate is about 350 ball speed is in the 17mph range.

I totally understand what you are saying about the early read of the cover and that volume is important.  But when I moved into the puddle even when I had it at box finish the reaction was not consistent.  I'm not trying to rev the ball up I like to play it pretty smooth off of my hand and I like to play relatively square. I am not afraid to swing it though.  I was not expecting a great reaction on the Sport shot due to the strength of the layout but I was at least looking for a consistent reaction.

I thought it would be a bit more versatile.  At least that is what they told me at Bowl Expo. "V stands for versatile"  my ball driller is very very knowledgable and is as confused as I am.

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2006, 12:36:38 PM »
This is why I will not spend money on the high end oilers out there that don't have a polish to them.  The reason is there isn't enough oil put out on lanes on regular house shots to get them to work.

I bowl on a THS on monday nights and none of my high end stuff hooked at all when it was in the OOB surface.  I'm talking Road Hawg, Action..and another guy had a Big One and couldn't get it to move.  At first I thought, wow these balls suck, but then I read up on them and realized why they didn't work, not enough oil to get them started.

Columbia 300 Beast (Baby Blue Urethane)

Billy Ray

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Re: Why won't my Infinite One roll consistently
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 05:35:37 AM »
How many flare rings are you seeing when you get the ball back?
What is the distance between the rings?
what is the overall flare in inches?
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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