You only managed to average 215 at Hawthorn? If this is the Hawthorn in Vernon Hills, then that's nothing!
I'm just messin' with you...
In all seriousness though, I would definitely echo explorer (and Paul Smith's) sentiments about the RXS300, it's been a great ball, and essentially has been my "get out of jail free" ball, if i'm ever lost or caught up in transition, all I need to do is pull out this gem, take out the majority of my angle through the heads, and I'm back to whacking 'em again.
I did get a reaction different than explorer's skid/flip reaction though, since mine is set-up pin under ring, MB right of thumb (about a 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 for me...) I get a very calm, smooth reaction through the backend, a very rounded motion off the spot.
Andrew Loose
1/2 of ABT's Finest
"Strike for show, spare for dough, split for D'OH!"