I don't know if cleaning will kill the ball, but, I do have an opinion so I'll say it. I am new to bowling and seen all the people saying they throw their ball and 40 games later it died. I thought my regular ball, an ebonite magic action, had died, so I took it to my pro shop guy. he looked it over and gave it back. I was then told the most profound thing, he told me that when I bought the ball in the early fall, then it died at the begining of winter that it was just weather changing making my ball seem like it died. Sure enough, I continued to use ebonite powerhouse and clean and dull every once and a while and sure enough, in the dead of winter it came back to life with a vengance. now this last month the same thing happend, the ball seemed to lose reaction. told the same thing and I believe the guy. so I moved right, and will wait another couple of weeks for it to magically come back to life. I'm not saying this is what is happening to everyone elses ball, but i just wonder "when" everyones balls are dying off. just my 1/2 cent
201 league average 2 leagues
break point pearl
Mutant cell
Magic action
Cherry vibe
14lb agent-first ball I ever owned
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing