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Author Topic: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor  (Read 3966 times)


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nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« on: November 04, 2007, 05:42:43 AM »
this ball is either playing april fools with me or it has a complex that it doesnt want too many people to think its a good ball.
   Almost everytime i practice with this ball it works great. Makes me look like i really no what i am doing. Usually when i practice i get a pretty similar look with all my equipment ,but the nvs always carries better and reads the pattern better. Like today after playing on the pba shot and watching it go sixty feet ,after i dulled it up more with a green scratch pad,I went to a different bowling alley just to get a couple more games in .Standing in the same spot all 3 games with 3 different balls the nvs was head and shoulders above the other 2. same hand position same release same target and it was stellar to say the least. Let me shoot it in league and i will be lucky to hit the pocket let alone carry. Pick up a different ball stand ,target, and shoot the same way and score. I dont understand what it is . the ball is awesome in practice ,but its a wall flower it refuses to dance when the music comes on. I know its not the ball,but what is it. I am sure you wont believe me but i just shot 263 with it with 10 strikes. this is how i shoot with it almost everytime i practice, league,its either too much or way too little, but the other balls i was practicing with where the nvs was better are now working its all a consipiracy to make me give up bowling I know it is
my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2007, 01:51:26 PM »
mine is the complete opposite it works great and it doesnt work at all in practice  but i took the polish off mine and took it too 2 thousand and it works great on the frest leage shot or sometimes i can get in tighter in practice after it breaks down but not for long i think if you just play different lines with it that it will start working for you in league and ti could also be the carrydown in practice thats making it good the ball loves carrydown
Pba avg:160
High Score:296 i no i choked
High Series:766
arsenal: total nv, NVS, smokin inferno, and the spare ball
450plus revs:
representin the STL area
gotta hate the 9 pin


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 02:20:42 AM »
What could be is that the lanes are different...

I am no pro... yet alone a "so" good bowler but what I see is the following:
For league the lanes are oiled freshly just 0.5h before the first game is played and so the lanes are very oily. Backends are fresh and tacky but balls skid a lot!

Maybe that is the reason for you?
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I aks what about the genius?" - Grayson

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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 05:39:54 AM »
I find it humorous what everyone says about the NVS. It is a medium/dry lane ball for me no question about it.

It is funny because I can take my Total NV in my fresh oiled league and it is too much ball for me to even throw. Then I take my NVS (similar drilling/same surface 4000 polished) and it is not near enough ball. So I usually throw my Gamebreaker which gives me the best read and nicest reaction.

I think the NVS is the bust of the season so far. They say more continuous backend on the NVS and I have had numerous people watch me throw mine and it is all midlane with NO backend. I tend to like it on the drier walled up house shot but that is the end of it. And that still can creat a fair amount of over/under.

My friend has one, hates his like I hate mine. So I threw his and it actually hooked on the backend. Not as much as my TNV but it hooked. Then a friend of his got one and he threw his and said it was a beast. I just don't get how each ball can differ so much. I am wondering if they sent out a lot of blems or something?? Or if I was sold one as a scam? Is there any way to check the serial number without calling ebo?


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 04:16:29 PM »
it is definitely not what i expected,but i think with the right surface if you can play straighter it could be a fairly good ball. I finally had a game over 200 with it in league. The surface on mine is 2000 dull and i just cleaned it with a green scratch pad ,even with that its no hook monster but on a medium shot with carry down its useable. The thing that gets me about this ball is its hit,the ball hits like a tank and when u get lined up its leathal.Its just a matter of matching up with the shot.
    I shot it at a demo day along with the nv and gamebreaker,the angular one and the raid. the nv had the most hook no doubt and the nvs had the least no doubt,the gamebreaker is what i wish i had gotten though.What the nvs does have is a strong roll and continuous hookthru the pin deck. If you have yours at 4000 thats way too tame take it to 1000 dull and see what it does its a dfferent ball with a dull surface.
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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 07:15:46 AM »
I have tried every surface under the sun. Itt hasn't made any difference it is a board or 2 difference with each if that. And sanded at times it got a mind of its own and decided to hook early which was bad. Probably a decent amount of operator error involved, but I don't see any pros throwing this ball either which tells me it probably is junk.


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 09:48:32 AM »
Wow I have both the NVS and TNV both are monsters on the THS.  The only diffrence I am seeing is the NVS reads midlane a little earlier.  I switch between the 2 of them depending on which one is carrying 10 pins better that night.  I usally start with the NVS and if I start leaving flat 10s I switch to the TNV.  another guy in my Wed league has one and just shot 300 with it 2 weeks ago I have a high of 279 with it and a 793 set.


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2007, 10:11:26 AM »
I have both tnv and nvs and I agree the tnv is way way more ball. The tnv also hits harder in my opinion. I use it and if I do need to make a ball change because the lanes are drying up I go to the nvs and it is usually on the money. I watch my nvs rev us and hardly move on a fresh shot. Just keeps turning. I watch the tnv rev up and look like it got kicked to the right I am a lefty.


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2007, 10:26:06 AM »
The trick with the NVS is take it down 1k then either 2k or 4k no polish, you will be amazed of how good it rolls at 4k with no polish it acts like polish and looks like it.

I have two of these oob sometimes it was huge backending ball sometimes a dart, talked to Ebonite DSM and it worked like a charm. Both balls are winners now and i would have sold both if not for the surface changes, one ball i have at 1k for oil it is pretty good oiler.


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 02:20:54 PM »
I don't think the NVS was supposed to be a heavy oil ball. Just a monster on THS. For PBA, might want to get an Infinite one or a rising or something. From what I have seen, the NVS can be quite squirrely on heavier shots.

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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 05:39:14 PM »
Wht,oh why, do you folks make like so frigging complicated??
Do you REALLY enjoy making life tougher than it has to be?

The NVS, when used on hald a degree or level more oil will react almost exactly as the Total NV reacts. Remember that: it requires slightly more oil than the Total NV.

When used on the same amount of oil, the NVS will react/go-into-the skid/hook/roll cycle half a degree/level earlier, with half a degree/level more overall hook and more overall backend than the Total NV.

That's not so difficult, now, is it? sigh ...
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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2007, 08:15:19 PM »
all i can say charlest is i wish you could see it roll on anything heavier than a second shift shot with carry down. i do truly believe it will get much better with a duller surface
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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2007, 08:31:05 PM »
all i can say charlest is i wish you could see it roll on anything heavier than a second shift shot with carry down. i do truly believe it will get much better with a duller surface
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

That is entirely possible. ALl I was trying to point out was you must understand the basic reaction designed into the ball and under what circumstances it will react that way. That is VERY important with every and any ball. If you don't understand where you're coming from, you cannot know where you're going.
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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2007, 09:57:01 PM »
when you guy a ball what do you have to go on ,but ads and word of mouth mostly. Even in the off chance you see someone else roll the ball their style and yours are probably not going to match up so whats left ads and word of mouth. So in finding out where you are starting the companies help imho to lead us into this dark realm. anyone who has thrown this ball knows its no heavy oiler in oob surface. Its no big hooker. Thats not how it was advertised and publicized. Dont blame us for not liking what we got when what we got was not what you advertized. the ball has moderate ,but continuous hok thru the deck on the right surface with the right cover adjustment. OOb it is a med light to dry ball at best in most avg. bowlers hand and thats what i am reading in this post. Maybe great for jason couch and tj ,but for me its another ball that if i dont put in the proper input the result wont be what was advertised or what was expected.
    We as bowlers must begin to read everything about bowling balls with our own fine print... i.e; Best condition ,heavy oil(when ball is drilled properly to match bowlers game.when surface is suitable to generate maximum lane friction comparable to the individual users ability,nothing will hook in heavy oil its up to the bowler to maximize the potential of this ball by making appropriate reads and adjustments. this ball will not make me bowl like Walter Ray,the rest os up to the bowler).
   If we input fine print like that then the ads wont matter . word of mouth wont matter. And maybe we will stop buying so many balls and cluttering up the site with gripes and complaints about balls ,because in the end the 220 bowler can score with anything the 170 bowler wishes he could score with something and the real difference in the 2 is lane manipulation thru targeting and adjusting, thru speed ,mind and body control,and from having the confidence in ones ability that lets him know when he steps on the lane the ball is secondary what you do with it is the primary concern. I avg. 190 not because i shot 190 every game ,but because i had some nights that i was luckier and scored better than i did on the nights i shot bad. i wish i could shoot 190 every game i bowled, and its not a ball that stops me . Just thinking out loud sorry got carried away.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: nvs is a clown with a sense of humor
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2007, 07:58:35 AM »
Well I average 230 at one house and high 220s at another I can say that I am great at finding where I need to throw the ball and killer on spares. I could throw the nvs straighter up the lane and probably score okay with it. I choose to wait til the lane breaks down and then go to it playing nearly the same line I was before. The thing is I want to let people know the ball is not what it is advertised so they can get something they are looking for in a ball. I recommend the total nv it is very strong and the cover definetely is responsive to changes. the nvs still hits good carrys well but if you want something that has that awesome move its not the ball you are looking for. Another ball that can take off is the fury pearl its something I wouldnt recommend for a lower average bowler you need to be pretty accurate and keep the rotation the same or the ball will be all over the place.