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Author Topic: NVS, Widow Pearl, and Total NV  (Read 1363 times)


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NVS, Widow Pearl, and Total NV
« on: August 12, 2007, 04:22:28 AM »
Since the Widow Pearl and the NVS have been out for a while, I was wondering what people think about them.  I'm looking at one of these three as something agressive with good midlane and backend continuation.  I have an Angular one that has a lower pin position (my pap has changed since it was drilled so I'm not exactly sure of the pin and mb to pap distances).  Even though the ball is 1000 with storm xtra shine, it still reacts fairly early.  

From what I've seen out of the total nv, it seems like it has more midlane and a smoother transition downlane than the angular.  The only nvs that I've seen that I can really comment on seems to be a bit weaker overall though cleaner through the front and more angular on the backend than the TNV.  I'd say that the Widow Pearl from what I've seen is the most angular and, for lack of a better term, "pearl-like" of the three.  It seems to rev up in the midlane and really pop on the backend.

Which ever one that I choose it will have a higher pin position than the angular one with a similar pin to pap and mb to pap distance (since the angular is rolling so well for me right now).  I was all set to get the nvs and then the one that I saw (though the mb is rather far from the val) is so long and snappy, I've kind of opened up to maybe getting a TNV or BWP as they seem to have more midlane.  

Basically I'm just wondering what everyone thinks about the difference between this stuff.
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Re: NVS, Widow Pearl, and Total NV
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 12:28:48 PM »
im gonna drill a NVS and a BWP soon have to drill both just cause i couldnt decide lol. I think the BWP will go longer and give a more skid snap reaction and the NVS will be smoother and midlane with moreover all hook.


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Re: NVS, Widow Pearl, and Total NV
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 09:42:01 AM »
Thats what I figured before I saw both thrown.  I haven't seen numerous layouts and surfaces on both, but oob with similar drills, the NVS was actually longer and snappier and less overall.  The mb on the NVS was farther away from the val though, so I figured that may be the reason for the added energy retention.
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Re: NVS, Widow Pearl, and Total NV
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 10:18:06 AM »
I havn't played with the cover too much on the BWP but from the little that I did, this ball doesnt have alot of midlane. More specifically, it will rev up, but it doesn’t read the lane terribly well. Which isnt a bad thing, but if you want midlane, both Ebonites will work better.

Edited on 8/13/2007 10:20 AM