I will admit first of all, I have not had much success throwing Ebonite branded balls, but I do love my Clear Wolf spare ball though, lol. The reason I mention that is while I am not a huge fan of that line, I didn't want this to seem as just a bash Ebonite post.
My concern over these new releases, really has nothing to do with the ball itself. I was looking at the Ebonite website, and reading the material on the Pursuit and Pursuit-S. I like the basic idea of these balls. So I wanted to download the drill sheets to see how I might be able to tweak the drillings to fit my game and what do I get, the generic Asymmetrical Drill Sheet that Ebonite has included for how many years now. Now I know that your Pro Shop should have the knowledge to make these balls work for all bowlers, as advertised by Ebonite. But not all Pro Shops are equal. I would think if Ebonite put all the time and effort into the design and marketing of these balls, that they would have taken the time to put together a better drill sheet that can help Pro Shops and bowlers determine the best layouts for them. I am no ball driller, but I like to examine the drill sheets, ball specs, and core information to help me determine which balls in the future I think may work for my game. And this way I have an understanding of why my Pro Shop is telling me this is the drilling they think will work. Most of the time, I'd say 90% of the time I agree with his assessment, but there are few times where I offer a small tweak of their idea and we discuss that. What Ebonite has done, it seems to me, it put all this on the Pro Shop and bowlers have to hope that their driller is experienced enough to make the right calls instead of taking the time to put together a more complete, albeit more complex drill sheet, to complement this new idea they are marketing in these balls.
Just MHO.