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Author Topic: Overtime questions.  (Read 1644 times)


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Overtime questions.
« on: December 11, 2008, 01:07:13 PM »
I haven't thrown a bunch of Ebonite balls but a good many and to me one of the best balls I've ever used was the Overtime. I had it polished and only drilled 5x5 and it was the most versatile ball I think I ever owned. I still have it, however it was before I had to do a mandatory grip change as I had to have my middle finger shortened by almost a 1/4 inch. I can't throw my old balls now due to previous least for long periods of time without pain like I used to. I plan on either getting the middle hole plugged and redrilled...even though this ball has already had the fingers plugged once as I got it off ebay and it has a ton of games. Already had it resurfaced a couple of times and had to get some chips in the ball fixed. Also has a switch grip in it which I thought I liked but I don't care for them anymore.

I was thinking of trying to find a NIB one, or maybe someone can think of a ball that is similar. I was interested in the Playmaker which most may say is not really like the Overtime but it sure looks strong and versatile like the Overtime.

Also, what was the difference between the Overtime and the Gametime? I saw a Gametime NIB on eBay and was wondering. I originally got the Overtime after I saw a stroker in league shoot a 300 and Tommy Jones at the Tulsa tournament in 05 nearly shooting a perfect game



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Re: Overtime questions.
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 10:12:50 AM »
Gametime was a particle ball. The only ball I found to give the same versitilty and ball motion of an Overtime is the original Clash. It uses the Phased Bomber reactive with a little weaker core(lightbulb) but is a very good ball. I can not vouch for how good or reliable the company is, seems to carry it and the Big Time Sanded which I have been comtemplating ordering. Might want to contact to make sure they have it in stock at your weight. Again have not dealt with them. I agree the Overtime was a very good ball and I wish I would have kept mine!
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Re: Overtime questions.
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2008, 06:26:56 PM »
I am thinking one of the Columbia Rivals would be pretty close. I might be a little off here though. From what I have seen from people throwing an Overtime it seemed similar, but never threw an Overtime.


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Re: Overtime questions.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 11:40:00 AM »
I agree the Overtime wasa great ball...while it lasted.The problem for me was a NIB ball that lasted less than 100 games before it lost all reaction due to possible "cover death." Yes I do clean my equipment after use and have a spinner and all the maintenance necessities. Seems to be the sotry with most of the Ebo equipment around that time. Not sure about now since I generally don't use them.


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Re: Overtime questions.
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 06:40:26 PM »

I had an Overtime also, I really liked this ball, I traded it in on my Hammer Black Widow and have wished several times that I had it back.  I do have a Game Breaker and have found it to be very similar to the Overtime in length and shape.  



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Re: Overtime questions.
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 01:53:28 PM »

Just happened to see that there is a 15 lb overtime on ebay.
