Well, I went to DJ's Pro Shop this afternoon to pay for and drill out the V2 Sweet that I liked so much at the recent demo day they held there. Decided to go with a similar look as the demo ball, pin below ring finger, cg 3" below and beside the thumb, weighthole 1 1/2" left of thumb hole to bring the weights back in line. I left it in box condition, bowled on a broken down house shot at the pro shop house in Auburn. Tried a few different lines for 3 games- down and in over 8 board, slight swing from 12-6, and inside of 15 as well... with a few hand release changes, I was around the hole most of the time, very rarely left corner pins and the carry was just as good from high flush as it was for the light hits. I think I had 721 for 3 games there....
Can't wait to see how this ball goes at other houses.