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Author Topic: Powerhouse Hook Again System  (Read 17295 times)

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Powerhouse Hook Again System
« on: August 16, 2003, 04:20:45 AM »
Is there anyone else excited about the introduction of this remarkable ball reaction restoration system?



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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2003, 12:38:12 AM »

Rev-less: a few more inquiries if you don't mind.  most people are probably asking the same thing:

1) would you say it works with other brands, if so,does it work to the same degree as on ebonite balls.

2) would you agree with the company's claim of restoration of performance up to 99%  (personally, any dead ball I can bring back to +- 80% is a plus already).


1. With the limited testing I have done so far on non-ebonite balls (Just my inferno actually), I'd say it only works to a *certain degree*. Specifically, the product does restore the ball's hit and pin-carry, but not the hook. Maybe it should be called 'hit again' instead But it is important to note that I have put my inferno through several 'hotwater-with-dawn' sessions as well as one session in the oven before, so this might have in a way permanently damaged the coverstock to a state that hook again can never repair. I intend to keep my new Monster Bruiser free of any of such heat treatments, and then put it through hook-again once I've notice that it has died. The result from such a test should confirm once and for all if the product does restore hook to a non-ebonite ball.
I don't intend to try it on the inferno again or on any of my old non-ebonite balls because of various reasons (the stuff is too expensive to waste..and my old balls have different spans).

2. I think its hard to really judge the percentage of ball reaction restored, partly because I can barely remember how the balls behaved when they was new (bear in mind the Apex Intensity and Trimax are very old balls)...but by estimates, hook again really does bring back the hook and hit...definitely at least 80%. The thing now is to see if these balls can stay this way for more than 30 games.

And for those of you guys (like me) who are staying at some place far away from the USA, I would suggest trying to get your proshop operator to bring in the stuff because its *(#(@ expensive to buy it yourself. The shipping prices alone almost killed me.

Edited on 8/21/2003 0:51 AM


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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2003, 02:41:34 AM »
Rev-less, thanks for the reply.

May I ask what part of the world you're in?

I'm in the Philippines and at my computation, the hook again system is still
reasonable.  If the ball goes back to about 80% -90%, thats good enough for me.

thanks again




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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2003, 09:01:46 AM »
Can anyone give a descriptioon of what hook again looks like? Is it a liquid, gel, thick, thin, etc?


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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2003, 01:46:05 PM »
It looks like mulch/Saw Dust w/ little plastic beads. I mean there are twigs in there me..
"When in doubt, always blame the Laneman"
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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2003, 02:26:04 PM »
It looks like mulch/Saw Dust w/ little plastic beads. I mean there are twigs in there me..
"When in doubt, always blame the Laneman"
Well..thats like your opinion man.......

So it probably IS a diatomaceous earth or or other organic substance.

And the little "plastic beads" are a silica anti-dessicant, you know, that stuff you find inside of the little packets in shoes that says "do not eat".

I collect those packets to use in my ski boots suck the sweat out on long ski trips.

All they do is keep the rest of the compound extra dry in order to suck the oil out. I'm sure that the suck the oil in the ball out & the plasticizer comes out along with the oil as a solution.

Now I'm really tempted to buy the hook again system, try my own compound of optisorb & any old anti-dessicant. Maybe sell it at about 3/4 the price of ebonite's system .

da Shiv

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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2003, 02:39:19 PM »
And the little "plastic beads" are a silica anti-dessicant, you know, that stuff you find inside of the
                                   little packets in shoes that says "do not eat".

I think that anyone who is tempted to eat little packets that come out of their shoes should go ahead and eat them.


Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 8/26/2003 2:52 PM
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2003, 06:28:11 AM »
I tried Optisorb on my half-dead Track Heat Pearl 2 this weekend (48 hours) - without any substantial improvement. I am going to try the Hook Again treatment as soon as the pro-shop starts offering it.





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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2003, 07:54:34 AM »
Napa sells a product called D-earth a oil absorbant product that has a more fine texture then regular oil absorbant. It sells for about 6.00 dollars for a 25lb bag.
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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2003, 08:58:05 AM »
I tried Optisorb on my half-dead Track Heat Pearl 2 this weekend (48 hours) - without any substantial improvement. I am going to try the Hook Again treatment as soon as the pro-shop starts offering it.

When you say you tried optisorb, did you use the same sort of mold that the hook again system uses?

Also, since that person said there are litte plastic pellets in it, I think you would have to decrease the wetness by using an antidessicant for it to really work as well as the hook again system.

Also, maybe mixing it with some more fiberous particles ultra dry mulchy stuff would help the mixture "adhere" to the ball better.


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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2003, 03:14:52 PM »
Here's a thought put the ball in the hook again stuff.Then place it in a warm location ( out in the sun, warm car  etc) so that it wants to sweet some . then see what its like.
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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2003, 07:41:32 AM »

I put the bowling ball and the Optisorb in a plastic bag which I tied tightly. I then rotated the package so that the Optisorb was distributed rather evenly around the ball. Then I let it rest for 48 hours.

I had not understood that the Hook Again granulate might be drier. I still have the Optisorb in the same plastic bag. Perhaps the Optisorb now has dried enough to have an effect? if not, would shredded paper be a good antidessicant to add?





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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2003, 02:38:37 AM »
I have now put 5 balls through the Hook Again system. 2 out of the 5 were preped by sanding the balls at 400 4-way. Then into the chamber. When they came out I dry wiped them and took them up from 400 to 500-1000 with the abralon pads. Both balls had minimal improvement but there was a noticealbe difference only on the back and in "hitting" power.  I dunno...go figure. Does it work? I dunno yet. From the 5 balls i have done I would lean towards maybe. Interesting article in one of the bowling mag's about "why balls die". It seems that ebonite had the hook again system already in production but did not mention it. Other companies had there own reasons but the end result was that the cover still sucks oil. End result.

"When in doubt, always blame the Laneman"
Well..thats like your opinion man.......


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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2003, 10:57:35 PM »
I just happen to have a 40# box of diatomaceous earth in my barn. It is
used to top a grain bin to prevent critters (weevil) from entering the grain.

My hired man covered it up with hay. I will try to dig down and find it. The
box is big enough to put a ball down in it.

Might work and the stuff is a whole lot cheaper than the Hook Again product.

If you had everything......where would you put it?
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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2003, 12:02:47 AM »
I have now put 5 balls through the Hook Again system. 2 out of the 5 were preped by sanding the balls at 400 4-way. Then into the chamber. When they came out I dry wiped them and took them up from 400 to 500-1000 with the abralon pads. Both balls had minimal improvement but there was a noticealbe difference only on the back and in "hitting" power.  I dunno...go figure. Does it work? I dunno yet. From the 5 balls i have done I would lean towards maybe. Interesting article in one of the bowling mag's about "why balls die". It seems that ebonite had the hook again system already in production but did not mention it. Other companies had there own reasons but the end result was that the cover still sucks oil. End result.


"When in doubt, always blame the Laneman"
Well..thats like your opinion man.......

Could you give further details, what brand balls, the 3 other balls, what were the results...




CouCh O MaTiC

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Re: Powerhouse Hook Again System
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2003, 11:17:16 PM »
I recently placed my brother's Storm X-Factor in the Hook Again system.  It has roughly 700 games on it.  It has served him really well and used to go to it exclusively.  With about 600 games on it he could swing the ball out easily and the ball would still come back strong.  After another 50 or so games, he noticed that the ball would not finish any longer.  He still put up with it and played straighter.  He stopped using the ball when the X-Factor Deuce came out.  Recently he has gone to it when the lanes start to dry up and he still is forced to play straighter than he would like.

After placing the ball in the chamber.  I poured the saw dust like substance into the chamber.  I definitely recommend using the product in a REALLY ventillated area and using a face mask.  I didn't finish the entire container so after the 24 hours was up, I poured the excess saw dust into the bottom of the container and placed the X-Factor on with the track against the substance.  We tested it the next day.

My brother started playing straight on our typical house pattern.  Throwing the ball where he would usually play when the lanes are dry.  All of a sudden all of his shots turned the corner hard like it did before.  He kept moving left and started swinging the ball out.  The carry was unbelievable and the move was fantastic.  Not bad for a ball with 700 games on it.  

I highly recommend the Hook Again system.  From what I have heard, the product only work with Ebonite balls.  Apparently this isn't true.  It has restored a fairly beat up Storm ball back to life.