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Author Topic: Powerhouse Training Clinics 2-Day Ball Layout and Lane Play: 101 Class  (Read 888 times)

Jeff Ussery

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Hello everyone,

Here's a reminder that the next 2-Day Ball Layout and Lane Play:101 Training Course is being held on December 10th-11th in Columbia, TN at the Robby's Products Plant. The course is designed for both pro shop operators and all bowlers in general! The class covers topics including:

-Lane Play Techniques
-Bowling Ball Construction
-Bowling Ball Properties
-Bowler Applied Forces
-Bowling Ball Layout

The class includes the following:

-2 Days of raining
-Ball Layout Training Manual
-2 Balls of your choice
-Turbo 2-N-1 Grips and Welcome Packet
-Free Ebonite, Hammer, Powerhouse, and Robby's Gifts
-10% Discount on ALL Ebonite Pro Shop Equipment and Supply Purchases
-On lane bowling and demonstrations
-Grip Analysis
-Ball Arsenal Analysis
-Optional Plugging, Ball Refinishing, and Hook-Again services for your personal equipment
-Drilling of 2 selected balls (optional)

The course fee is $495.00.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at Thanks!
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Brand Manager
Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline - 866-464-3791