Equipment Boards => Ebonite => Topic started by: tonybowls on October 09, 2004, 02:53:27 AM
I recently purchased a Prime Time Sanded and I can tell you I love the reaction of this ball. It hooks alot and it hits like a truck. I would reccomend this ball for anyone looking for something in the Mid Price range. Very Reasonable.
i loved the original, my wonder is how much oil with this thing handle? Something similar to the Killer Instinct sanded in cover strength would be a great ball.. i just don't think it will fill the need i have for a hevier oil ball but not nuts! so hard to figure out what i want
The Prime Time Sanded is billed as a Heavy Oil Ball.
My ball definately snaps hard to the pocket which could be becuase I had my Prime Time drilled strong. I bowl on Medium oil conditions.
Hey Inverted nobody is talking about the show time sanded. The topic is the Prime Time Sanded.
This may sound wierd but the guy who drilled my prime time sanded in my Pro Shop told me the primal instict doesn't hook. Strange maybe, but it's possible that it hasn't shown much in the house I bowl in.
please tell me the primal is better than the roll reaction from the killer.. i didn't like the backends with the KI, is the primal a BIG backend reaction or just a decent arc?