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Author Topic: Pursuit and Pursuit-S  (Read 11279 times)


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Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:33:18 AM »
Just what we need......more high performance releases from EBI.  Keep throwing the the wall, maybe these will stick.



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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2012, 04:57:16 PM »
Just punched a Pursuit and Pursuit S. Will try them in league tomorrow night and post my opinion of them on Friday. One guy in town shot back to back 279's with his Pursuit last night. Ball was rolling great for him.

Chris Hayes
McCorvey's Pro Shop
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Ebonite Bowl to Win


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2012, 11:12:39 PM »
Just used the Pursuit S in league tonight and shot 260 first game and 279 second game. Should have put the ball away in the third game (196)  but it so much fun to roll. Looking forward to this release.

Chris Hayes
McCorvey's Pro Shop
IBPSIA certified
Ebonite Bowl to Win


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2012, 12:24:23 AM »
iwould have to disagree with the statement ebonite is lagging. since the release of the mission i have had 10 honor scores with the newer ebonite stuff. i would suggest the cyclone if the other ebonite balls are to strong for your game.


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2012, 12:34:28 PM »
Pursuit-S drilled 5in over middle finger is smoother and more controlled.
Pursuit drilled 5in under middle finger is  more revy and has more angle.
Both have box surface.

strongest balls by far from Ebonite in a long time.

Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Regional Staffer since '06


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2012, 12:46:15 PM »
I will admit first of all, I have not had much success throwing Ebonite branded balls, but I do love my Clear Wolf spare ball though, lol. The reason I mention that is while I am not a huge fan of that line, I didn't want this to seem as just a bash Ebonite post.


My concern over these new releases, really has nothing to do with the ball itself. I was looking at the Ebonite website, and reading the material on the Pursuit and Pursuit-S. I like the basic idea of these balls. So I wanted to download the drill sheets to see how I might be able to tweak the drillings to fit my game and what do I get, the generic Asymmetrical Drill Sheet that Ebonite has included for how many years now. Now I know that your Pro Shop should have the knowledge to make these balls work for all bowlers, as advertised by Ebonite. But not all Pro Shops are equal. I would think if Ebonite put all the time and effort into the design and marketing of these balls, that they would have taken the time to put together a better drill sheet that can help Pro Shops and bowlers determine the best layouts for them. I am no ball driller, but I like to examine the drill sheets, ball specs, and core information to help me determine which balls in the future I think may work for my game. And this way I have an understanding of why my Pro Shop is telling me this is the drilling they think will work. Most of the time, I'd say 90% of the time I agree with his assessment, but there are few times where I offer a small tweak of their idea and we discuss that. What Ebonite has done, it seems to me, it put all this on the Pro Shop and bowlers have to hope that their driller is experienced enough to make the right calls instead of taking the time to put together a more complete, albeit more complex drill sheet, to complement this new idea they are marketing in these balls.


Just MHO.




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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2012, 01:46:45 PM »
Jorge not much has changed in the last 10 years since those sheets were produced. Yes, we have fine tuned the ideas with dual angle technique, gradient line holes, cover prep, etc. But as a whole if your driller is following those sheet you will be fine.


If I were to talk to you about dual angle layouts it would put you to I have seen this in some of my most educated customers. The look that comes over thier face becomes "I don't give a shit...put 3 holes in it"


I used to look at those sheets all the time too. Still keep some on file. Most go straight to the trashcan though. I would suggest you take 5 of your best rolling balls and measure up the angles. See what is common. I have found for myself that the ones that work the best have some common traits. Then, from THERE do some tweaking.


I did 2 balls a few years back using the exact same angles but different pin to PAP distances. Wanted more roll out of one. Knocked it down to 2000 abralon from 4000 and had the best 1-2 combination I ever recall.




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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2012, 02:37:58 PM »

     I do understand the basics of the Dual Angle method of drilling, just enough to be dangerous, lol. And I know that since this was developed by Mo Pinel, a company like Ebonite won't put it on their drill sheets. I guess I was just expecting more. The advertising states about how through drilling you can create the perfect ball for every style of bowler. So I had hoped they would have shown how you can create this through the drilling. Something like if you put a balance hole in area A it will increase flare decrease length, if you put it in area B it will increase length, decrease flare, etc. Just so that you can see how the changes take place, and you as the bowler can understand why your Pro Shop is suggesting the drilling they are.


But then again I am also wanting people to quit whining about the price of bowling balls, and the fact that the USBC Open is never in the East, so I have a lot of big expectations, lol.




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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2012, 08:00:39 PM »
Got mine in yesterday. Thanks, Ed and Szabina.


Siu Bing

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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2012, 10:48:07 PM »
dhc invitation after the japan cup, mika & tj both used the pursuit
Edited by Siu Bing on 2/12/2012 at 11:49 PM


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2012, 09:12:27 AM »
90% of customers get scared away by "information overload"
how many bowlers arent on this website?
the few here understand the technical aspect of drilling.
the other bowlers dont, and it confuses them.
Ebonite doesnt want to scare those bowlers so they keep it simple and make the drillers do there job.
Jorge300 wrote on 2/10/2012 3:37 PM:

     I do understand the basics of the Dual Angle method of drilling, just enough to be dangerous, lol. And I know that since this was developed by Mo Pinel, a company like Ebonite won't put it on their drill sheets. I guess I was just expecting more. The advertising states about how through drilling you can create the perfect ball for every style of bowler. So I had hoped they would have shown how you can create this through the drilling. Something like if you put a balance hole in area A it will increase flare decrease length, if you put it in area B it will increase length, decrease flare, etc. Just so that you can see how the changes take place, and you as the bowler can understand why your Pro Shop is suggesting the drilling they are.


But then again I am also wanting people to quit whining about the price of bowling balls, and the fact that the USBC Open is never in the East, so I have a lot of big expectations, lol.


Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Regional Staffer since '06


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2012, 09:31:52 AM »

    That's fine for some folks. I have been lucky that I have always been able to find very good pro shops/drillers. But not everyone is so lucky. You are asking a lot of some pro shops and Ebonite isn't giving them any information to help them use these new balls like they are designed. While it may be information overload to some customers, wouldn't you rather have that then having the balls flop because driller don't know how to properly lay out the balls to garner the advantages they give? Besides, the 90% of customers you speak about probably would never even look at the drill sheet anyway.  

EboKnight wrote on 2/14/2012 10:12 AM:
90% of customers get scared away by "information overload"

how many bowlers arent on this website?

the few here understand the technical aspect of drilling.

the other bowlers dont, and it confuses them.

Ebonite doesnt want to scare those bowlers so they keep it simple and make the drillers do there job.

Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Regional Staffer since '06




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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2012, 11:57:50 AM »
Mo was very instrumental in the determination of the distance of the pin from the VAL and its effect on ball reaction.  Actually the dual angle was the idea of Lou Marquez, who took VAL distance and the pin/MB/PAP angle and put them together.  And the first person to use, and market angles to measure the relationship of the plane of the pin and mass bias to the plane of the pin to PAP?  Hint, he was new Hall of Famer Jason Couch's first ball rep.  


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Re: Pursuit and Pursuit-S
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2012, 12:02:26 PM »
Would that happen to be you Mr Pursel? Haven't talked to you since you were with Track. What's been going on?

Chris Hayes
McCorvey's Pro Shop
IBPSIA certified
Ebonite Bowl to Win