Ebonite has been releasing some extremly good equipment lately. They started off with their Big Time Sanded. That ball placed a high preformance weight block into an aggressive coverstock and created a mid-priced monster. They then follow it up with a pearlised version, which is also a good ball. A great 2 ball combo for the price, covering med, heavy, and anything in between. In their low end balls, they released the Ice, a good light oil skid snap ball, and then made the Black Ice. A good controll ball at a cheap price tag.
And lets not forget the V2 series. Been around for a LONG time, and still creating good balls. The latest edition, the V2 Power (V2 sanded on steroids) is a great addition to give a different look on heavier conditions than the Big Time sanded does.
And then, to Re-Release two classics, the Pums (a great ball when it came out) and the Nitro R/2, another choice for a med-heavy condition.
And then is the high end balls, and this is where Ebonite has really been making some magic. The entire Xcel line (outside of the Xcel pearl) has given bowlers a very aggressive ball which will hook on anything. First the Xcel Particle, which was a great ball, and then topped that with the XXcel, the most angular particle ball ive ever seen that would snap like crazy on swamps, and then their latest release, the XXXcel. Now i dont know anyone who has thrown this one, but boy it sure looks like a deadly one.
So if you ask me, Ebonitte has covered every price range with balls that will preform time after time, and you will not be dissapointed
"Strike for show, spare for dough"

Im A Hammer Head 100%