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Author Topic: Regency balls  (Read 1188 times)

L o G

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Regency balls
« on: November 26, 2004, 05:59:33 PM »
Hello all

I am thinking of getting a ball for my brother and was lookin on Ebay and I saw some with regency on them (That means it's a blem right) and was thinking back about 3 or 4 years ago I bought a Matrix Trimax that was regency and my driller could not find the cg (I think we came to the conclution that it was inthe word regency somewhere) and I was wondering it they stamp the cg it on the regency balls.  My brother is not a serious bowler (he only bowls when I go over to see him, and the regencys are cheap) so a leagal drilling is not nessary I was just wondering.
I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright



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Re: Regency balls
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 11:23:17 PM »
Yeah I have had a couple over the years and they always stamp where the cg is.
Bowl To Win!!!

L o G

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Re: Regency balls
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2004, 03:54:24 AM »
Thanks Brunswick300.
I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright

Edited on 11/28/2004 4:55 AM