quote:Saw Ebonite rep today. There is a new ball coming out in May or June.He didn't give the details. He did say the one,infinate one and sr300 would stop being sold and or made.Also told me about 30,000 Total NV has been sold since it release. Hottest ball on the market hands down.
quote:quote:Saw Ebonite rep today. There is a new ball coming out in May or June.He didn't give the details. He did say the one,infinate one and sr300 would stop being sold and or made.Also told me about 30,000 Total NV has been sold since it release. Hottest ball on the market hands down. says 30,000 has been sold already lol, so its well above 268 producedhers is the threadhttp://www.ballreviews.com/Forum/Replies.asp?TopicID=155935&ForumID=5&CategoryID=2