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Author Topic: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the  (Read 1970 times)


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Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« on: December 26, 2005, 03:44:30 AM »
I just swapped out The One in my bag for the Enriched Uranium.  I'm not saying its a better ball or that it will even work better, just trying something different as recommended by many of those that responded to my post.  I am going to keep The One in my practice bag and continue to work with the ball.  If that many bowlers think this ball is so great, I guess I can spend some more time working with a ball that much potential.

Thanks again for the comments and and the recommendations.  

This is not a bash on Ebonite.  I have not changed out the Big Time Pearl (I love that ball) Big Time, Cross Fire (though I might have changed it out with the Sonic Boom and ordered the Pure Hammer Burgandy) and I still think the XXXcel is a great ball.  I just hope the Enriched Uranium fits between the Big Time/XXXcel and the Big Time Pearl.

Again, any comments and/or recommendations are welcome.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 12/26/2005 12:35 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2005, 12:13:39 PM »

I hope you didn't take the criticisms to heart; it appeared as if you were getting stressed out over this ball. They can do that to us, only if we let them. Glad you took a different direction.

Maybe it needs a different drilling. I have given myself far too much stress over some balls, when changing the surface 49 ways with the same drilling. Sometimes all it takes is the right drilling and then 14 different surfaces will work with that one good drilling. I always give the ball, I WANT TO LIKE, a lot of surfaces and 2 or even 3 drillings before I report that the ball just didn't work for me.

Remember it could be that the one yo ugot was a lemon: bad CG marking, bad MB marking, bad coverstock, anything can be wrong OR maybe it's just not "your cup of tea".

Be cool, jewel!
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J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2005, 12:18:12 PM »
I think, for what it's worth, there are balls and people that were just not meant for each other. I had an Atomic Charge, liked the ball, but it just wouldn't do for me what it did for others.

A super example...Track Xception. I sold the ball to another BR member, and wouldn't ya know it...that little stinker shot a 300 with it !! Go figure, best I could get out of it was a 227. Be assured, I told him I must have sent him the wrong ball and wanted that one back, but as of yet...I guess he'll keep it !just kidding, never wanted it back.

But that just goes to show ya, some people/balls were just not made for each other. Good Luck on your EU and maybe that ONE will someday open up for you.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2005, 12:29:37 PM »
I agree with azguy. Using my Xception 5.0 for example, it has never matched up to me. (still working with surface changes trying to make it work though) Yet, almost all if not all other people love this ball, so it is all about match-up and having the right surface for the conditions a person bowls on.

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Re: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2005, 01:44:20 PM »
Different strokes for different folks.

Case in point michelle sold me a Granite Gargoyle 4 years ago or so.  She never saw enough oil to use it.  I shot 299 and cashed big time in a hdcp. tourney with this ball.  Didn't work for her worked great for me.  

I'd like to try The One but feel it's a lot like my G-3 as far as shape and movement.  I am liking y Legends/LM stuff a lot and can't see it right now in the future for me.

I think, it's great that Nic admits what isn't working for him most on here say EVERY ball is the next best thing since flush toilets.




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Re: Thanks for the advice-Just swapped The One for the
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2005, 02:33:31 PM »
If you traded a used One for a used Enriched, you got the better end of the deal. Thats for sure..

I have "The One" and love that ball. Its been thru numerous coverstock changes and still hits like a mack truck. I have shot numerous high 700's with it..

Good luck with your EU..
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