All V2's would just be silly. Ebonite markets balls to all styles of bowlers and all types of conditions. For Instance...
Original Apex Line(Low RG's High Diff): For lower rev bowlers to be able to get that big hook and strong breakpoint the crankers have naturally by creating a highly dynamic core in a strong coverstock.
Current Apex Line(Low RG's Med-High Diff): Early rollers that cover alot of boards for heavier conditions, more for the lower rev styles since they roll so early, but crankers and tweeners have alot of options on drillings to give alot of different shaped reactions with these.
Vortex Series(Very Low RG, Med Diff): Even reading predictable balls no matter the suface or style of bowler.
Matrix/TPC series(Med RG, Med-high Diff): The balls with the sharpest breakpoints for people who like to open up the lane while giving that skid/lope/hard arc(or flip) reaction.
Predator/Savage Series(Varying RGs, Med-High Diff): Big high performance look on the lanes....low price
Stinger Series(Med-High RG, Medium-Low Diff): Power Players' dream balls(I've gone through 4 stinger 2 pieces and 2 stinger low flares since they've been introduced). Long, Smooth and forgiving off of the breakpoint. Very versatile balls with an extremely hard finish.
Tornado Series(High RG, High Diff): Your introductory balls, and specific condition balls for the serious bowler.
You tell me what is wrong with having all of this? It covers every possible Bowler to Condition scenario that you can think of.
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004
Edited on 8/7/2003 8:22 PM