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Author Topic: The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts  (Read 1833 times)


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The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts
« on: December 24, 2005, 05:45:09 PM »
Hey everyone, well, I got around to filming a few shots while I was out visiting Rick Leong (tenpinspro) at his Pro Shop and dropping off his Xmas gift this past Thursday. Dan Patty (D Pat) and his buddy Adam (Turkey Sub from were also at the shop getting some work done on their equipment.

While Rick was busy in the shop, I went out and threw about 15 practice shots (Thanks for the hookup Rick!). I recently had my One scuffed up by my buddy and fellow BR member Jonathan Ng. I decided to take the Factory Polish off the ball, so Jon hit it with a worn out White Pad (1000 grit) first then a worn out Burgundy Pad (400 grit). We're guessing the ball is at about 600-800 finish now.

What I see now is a ball that reads the mids a little better and is tamer in the backend.

Here's a picture of the ball Polished -
Here's a picture of the ball Scuffed -

Lane Surface and Oil Pattern - AMF Southshore in Alameda usually plays pretty tight for me. I saw a Medium-Heavy pattern with slight hang outside of the 5 board. Here's the catch, the Track area was burnt up from open play, so if I started the ball out around 10 (2nd arrow), The ball would check up, go nose or brooklyn. If I give the ball room and feed it to about the first arrow, the ball would skate (Thanks to the OOB). So all in all, most of the clips are of me pretty much playing an inside angle and catching as much oil as I could.

Here are the shots that I was able to fit onto the memory card of my camera.

Link to The One Sanded Video -

Happy Holidays to everyone at BR,

Link to the original Video with The One Factory Polished -

Regards, M.C. RAMmer
Official Jerry Rice Cabbage Patch Dancing Instructor

Edited on 12/25/2005 12:51 PM



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Re: The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2005, 01:51:00 AM »
Always a pleasure.  Looks like a nice read in carrydown.
Respect the Game


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Re: The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2005, 11:55:30 AM »
DP3 - Right on man. Yeah, I didn't have much free hook to the right, but it seemed to read the midlane better and played better in the oil.

D Pat - Thanks man haha. Good luck in Vegas!

ebonick - I had about 20 games with the one OOB Factory Polished. Matter of fact, we bowled on a real flat 45 foot pattern at a tournament last week and The One did great with slower speed from the outside. I was curious to see what kind of look I could get out of it if I scuffed one up. What I get now is a ball that now reads the midlane better and a touch smoother of the break. Good luck with yours!

Happy Holidays to all!
Regards, M.C. RAMmer
Official Jerry Rice Cabbage Patch Dancing Instructor


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Re: The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2005, 08:53:20 AM »
you think!!!


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Re: The ONE *Sanded* - New VIDEO & Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2005, 10:18:59 AM »
Hey guys & Happy New Year!

jls31316 - I understand what you're trying to say. About 2 weeks ago, I used The ONE at a tournament that put out a 43-45 foot pattern and it was very flat. With some speed control (softer speed), I was able to find the pocket. And yes, I understand where you're coming from in regards to the OOB 4000 Factory Polished surface. I too am open to surface adjustments, because it is very beneficial. You can tweak the cover to your reaction preference (as I've learned this past year). Fine tuning a coverstock can be your "best friend!"

Greg T- Good idea about the video, I will go ahead and make a quick comparison vid in regards to the change of reaction shape of my ONE Polished Vs. Scuffed.

Happy New Year everyone,
Regards, M.C. RAMmer
Official Jerry Rice Cabbage Patch Dancing Instructor