this ball struggles in real oil, your house shot like many others
are probably lt-med at best. btm tested the ball and listed it's weakness
as heavy oil and dry, which i agree with. most of the reviews i have seen on this ball are great, bowlers love the ball, however most say they took down the cover, 800-1000 seems to be the big winner, guys with a lot of hand seem to take the cover down to 2000. in my shop i would say most bowlers who are using this ball on "oil" are bringing the cover down to 1000, and most using this ball on lighter patterns are going with 2000. some are staying with 4000
but with no polish, the way the hawg wild comes out of the box.
now as for balls sales, this is by far probably the best selling ball ebonite
has had in a while, in the premium line. actually, in my shop, we sell more hawg wilds, but that could just be an area thing. by the way they don't list the hawg wild as a heavy oil ball, and at 4000 plus polish for most normal
bowlers, the one will not work in heavy oil either. i feel it would have been nice if ebonite classified the ball with that box finish in mind. because after reading most reviews, it sure seems like most are taking the cover down
for oil, and that makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and btm knows what they are doing
and they listed it as weak in oil.