I have both the One and the Big One, both are drilled close to one another with the pin on the Big One a little lower than the One because I wanted the Big One for oil. The Big One for me is as advertised, it is probably at least 7 boards more and 3 to 5 feet earler than my One.
My One Specs are:
75 degree layout
Pin is 4-1/2" from my Pap (my pap is 5-7/8 and 0)
Pin is about 2-1/4" above my midline near my ring, my grip specs are 4-3/16 X 4-3/8.
My Big One specs are
60 degree layout
Pin 4-1/2" from my pap
Pin is 2" above the midline of my grip just below my ring.
Both balls are 3-4" pins with the pin, cg, and MB in alignment and 3 to 3.5oz of Top. Both have 1/2 to 5/8oz thumb weight and 3/4"oz positive side after drilling.
I have not yet experienced the flood necessary to really see what the Big One will do, there just is not a house shot in my area that has that much oil for this ball to work properly. Definately more ball than the One...