Hey everyone, I've had mine for over 2 months now.
I used it in 4000 OOB Polished for the first 3 weeks,
then I went to my buddies house and we tweaked the cover.
It is now approximately at 800-1000 grit.
OOB Polished, I did experience the splits and sleeper leaves.
The surface was just to shiny and wouldn't recover on carrydown.
This sucker does pack a lot of punch though when it encounters dry.
You'll see a variety of leaves in the Videos.
Scuffed up, It can read the mids better and isn't as Sharp on the
backend. Still retains a lot of hitting power and a tamer backend
reaction. Here are a couple of Videos I posted in this Forum in the
Past. You can get a better look at how this ball reacted for myself.
Right now, I like this ball on Medium-Heavyies the best. I get good
read in the oil and great recovery on the back. I wouldn't mind
picking another one up and keeping it polished with a different
The ONE Video (4000 OOB Polished) on 12/11/05:http://media.putfile.com/The-One-By-Ramtart-121105The ONE *Approximately 800 Grit Scuffed* Video on 12/22/05: http://media.putfile.com/The_One_Sanded_Final_DraftThe One Vs Slash Vs Heat Vs GP2 on 1/16/06:http://media.putfile.com/The-One-vs-Slash-vs-Heat-vs-GP2My review on The One Polished & Scuffed can be found here...
http://www.ballreviews.com/Reviews/Reviews.asp?ManufacterID=5&BallID=686Hope this helps and good luck!
Regards, M.C. RAMmer