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Author Topic: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?  (Read 6469 times)


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Hey guys & gals,

I am starting to see Ebonite's The One pop up everywhere.
Last night, I saw a local regional pro in our league who is a Brunswick
Loyalist throwing one! I ribbed him and he chuckled saying, "eh, just experimenting hehe."

Depending on what part of the country you are from, I am curious to know
how many of these balls are popping up in your league, center, and/or
tournaments. This ball is creating quite a buzz in our area.

Any input would be great!
Regards, M.C. RAMmer



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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2006, 05:09:14 PM »
Alot, maybe 20-30 between the leagues that I bowl.
If the average isn't 300, then keep practicing and be humble!!


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2006, 05:13:28 PM »
league wise no one in my league is throwing it tourny wise i see every one and there brother with 1
proud member of the visionary test staff home of the some of the greatest unknown balls in the world


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2006, 05:23:22 PM »
In in Queens NY. I work in a pro shop where we drilled at least 40 The One balls. Personally i know and have bowled with at least 12 people whou use The One, and from what i hear, in the big money leagues almost 45% of the bowlers have it. Where i bowl, a different center from where i work, no one in my league rolls one cept for my friend, but they just dont know what they are missing.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2006, 05:38:10 PM »
I have only seen 2 other people using the One or big one (besides myself) in 2 different houses and 3 different leagues. They are missing out!!!! I heard a member of the oposing team last week say to his buddy when I threw mine, "look at that ball, goes straight and turns hard left!" I think they were very impressed!!!!!


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2006, 05:42:01 PM »
There are a few scattered around league and tourneys but far and away i see about 3 vapor zones on every rack those things are everywher around here, and the paradigm is starting to gain really big around here they are getting drilled left and right both are still going strong.  But now all the proshops cant keep the scorching inferno on their shelves.
Boy do I love bowling, stone 8,stone 9, ringer 7,fly by 10,fast six got to love this game.  Short look at what most of my games look like with a few strikes peppered in between.  Isn't it wonderful.


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2006, 05:45:27 PM »
Kinda funny but, I've yet to see one thrown in person yet. Sure that won't last for long, a friend and former teamate of mine wants to get one so I'll see what all the hype is about.
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.

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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2006, 06:17:53 PM »
I live in West Orange, NJ and in my league there is only one guy I know of that uses The One, but its a small league. But in the last JBT I went to, there's way too many to count. Overall, The One is very popular around my area but Lane 1's Equipment has been popping up. This is why I bought the Action, nice ball and none of the people I know use it lol.
The Detroit Lions will be good! one of these days..
I claim to be one of the only Lions fans in NJ haha (I go for the underdog)

"The Strikes will come, but it won't help if you can't make spares"


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2006, 06:34:32 PM »
theres around 3 or 4 in the leagues, but like mentioned before, the pjbt's theres usually 1 guaranteed on each rack if not more.
"messengers are a bowlers best friend."  

formerly jr_768


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2006, 06:37:18 PM »
every high rev top player in my area has one or even several drilled diferently. For a high rev player that ball seems to carry everything and hook from everywhere.


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2006, 09:29:48 PM »
In my Teusday night leauge theres 8 people using the one. Wednesday night leauge, just 1 (me), Thursday night, 1 (me) soon to change, Friday night 2 me and another teammate. Id say the Vapor Zone is in control on friday night with at least 30 people using the Vapor Zone, im not kidding either! Theres about 220 people that bowl on my friday night house 24 5 man teams all full. Theres at least 1 Vapor Zone per ball return every Friday.

Thursday night I have about 15 poeple always checking me out and seeing what I have for the night. They watch me and what I use, sometime they go out and buy the same ball I have because they liked how the ball looked in my hands. They dont know any better I guess.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanct. Ave. (2004/2005)194

Tweener by day, Stroker by night
Mike Zadler


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2006, 04:37:31 PM »
in nyc 1 out 3 bowlers has one it friggin ridculous
I Dont have a mark juss throw the ball in an area BUT I STILL STRIKE
Arsenal: Storm Diablo, Storm Hot Rod Super Sport Pearl, lStorm Paradigm,Morich Seek & Destroy


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2006, 09:06:42 PM »
There are more "ones" at my bowling house than there are flys on a cow's (well, you know). I've seen it in action and it makes me want the ball even more.

Currently for sale:
X-Factor Vertigo 16lbs, one drill, <50 games.
Triple X-Factor 16lbs, one drill, <50 games
Columbia Wild 16lbs, one drill, <30 games


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2006, 11:57:44 PM »
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that has The One in my league.


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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2006, 12:01:19 AM »
In Southwest Michigan.  I have The One.  My dad has The Big One and there are 3 other people have have The Big One.

I bowl in some tournaments in Norhtern Indiana as well (South Bend area) last tournament I bowled every single ball return had at least one on it (36+ lanes or 18+ pair) and I noticed the same thing in Lansing

Let It Bleed

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Re: The ONE - How many in your league? How many have you seen around?
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2006, 12:11:39 AM »
In northwest Indiana, the One seems to be the greatest thing since sliced bread!  This is at my local house, of course.  We had a lot of Absolute Inferno's around when they were the hot item, but, in my opinion, the One has even surpassed that.  I dunno how influential they were, but we did have a demo day in December, so that probably helped a bit too.  Even the Big One is starting to circulate now...I can think of 5 guys who have those compliment there One's.
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