Resaons I see:
a) lack of oil
b) wrong drilling for your style
c) bad release, but I doubt this

IMHO, polish will not get you much further. This is an aggressive coverstock, and if it is too much for the oil and your style at hand, bag it. With polish, the ball might react even violent when it hits dry ground and be uncontrollable.
What you can try is play with your release, either breaking the wrist back to kill revs and hook, or try a suitcase grip with maximum side rotation, which should prolong the skid phase - even though the latter might yield an erratic break point like the polish.
I'd have the ball checked by a neutral ball driller to see if it is set up properly for you and your game. Big issue with high mass bias balls.
Besides, I'd look into a weaker ball as an addition below the Overtime and The One. I think both are simply too much for light conditions.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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