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Author Topic: The One isnt hooking???  (Read 2920 times)


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The One isnt hooking???
« on: August 23, 2006, 12:48:42 PM »
for some reason my the one does not hook on dry lanes! it hooks well on oil but on dry lanes it barely crosses any boards its very strange. even throwing it slower has little effect. i see a similar problem with my overtime.

the only balls i own are the overtime and the one. just got the one for free from a friend who had gotten the drilling done wrong and didnt want a ball that was re-drilled, so i got it redrilled for myself. the ball only had one game on it before i bought it.

does anyone have any clue as to why this might be happening? it may be my own stupidity or it may be ebonite or something i wouldnt know since im a relatively new bowler.

Edited on 8/23/2006 8:52 PM



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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 08:57:58 PM »
It's not supposed to.  Balls that are too strong for the oil pattern burn up and flare out in the first 15-30'.  People all the time wonder why their new high tech oil eater isn't hooking.  90% of the time, it's because they're being thrown on too little oil, not too much.

Sand finer, polish shinier, use a weaker ball, or use a weaker release.  Enjoy your new finds on the proper oil condition and they will do what you want.
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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 09:03:12 PM »
i want to think thay your right it makes me think im not doing anything wrong....but then i see other bowlers at the lane bowling with the one and hooking it a ton on the same dry lanes! i hope your right lol.


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2006, 09:15:23 PM »
i couldnt agree more with you on arsenal building. thats why i made it a point to mention that i got the one for free, the overtime was my first ball and i actualy paid for that one lol. maybe now is a good time to mention im a lefty i dont know if that makes any difference.

im thinking of polishing my overtime do you think that will do enough to make it more fit for dry lanes?

Edited on 8/23/2006 9:13 PM


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 10:20:56 PM »
if i do polish it and it ends up not doing anything for me, is there a way for me to reverse it and bring it back to normal besides taking it to my proshop?


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 10:23:51 PM »
The most amazing thing above...a friend gave you this ball for free after one game.

That is a friend ...I want some like that!


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2006, 10:28:46 PM »
lol i said he was a friend but i really just met him he works at my bowling house and when i was finished bowling hes like how many pounds do u use and i told him 15 and he asked me if i want a one! i couldnt believe my luck especialy when i found out he had only played 1 game on it!


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2006, 10:59:02 AM »
Resaons I see:
a) lack of oil
b) wrong drilling for your style
c) bad release, but I doubt this

IMHO, polish will not get you much further. This is an aggressive coverstock, and if it is too much for the oil and your style at hand, bag it. With polish, the ball might react even violent when it hits dry ground and be uncontrollable.

What you can try is play with your release, either breaking the wrist back to kill revs and hook, or try a suitcase grip with maximum side rotation, which should prolong the skid phase - even though the latter might yield an erratic break point like the polish.

I'd have the ball checked by a neutral ball driller to see if it is set up properly for you and your game. Big issue with high mass bias balls.
Besides, I'd look into a weaker ball as an addition below the Overtime and The One. I think both are simply too much for light conditions.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2006, 03:25:44 PM »
Let me chime in, you have a The One that is not hooking on Dry lanes, that question has been answered above, your not using a Light Friction ball such as an Ebonite Tornado! Polishing, polishing The One will only make this ball stronger up front without long enough oil to hold it's reation down, I think the most important point that your missing with this ball is that it is an Assymetrical ball that is Not driiled for you, you can not drill these ball's for the general public, they have to drilled for the person and that person's style for it to roll and react correctly! Get it Plugged and re-drilled for you, then you will trully love this ball for medium or higher oil, buy an Ebonite Tornado for the lighter stuff!

i mentioned above that i got my ball redrilled, after the guy gave it to me. his hands were huge i could never use his drilling.


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Re: The One isnt hooking???
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2006, 10:31:26 PM »
The Overtime for a dry lane ball? The One doesn't hook on is wrong with you people. First the Overtime is strong and smooth and hooks a ton on dry. I have mine highly polished drilled 5x5. The One doens't hook on dry? Pfft. Sure if your throwing it back-up, I would imagine. The one is a monster on dry...not to mention beyond sharp breakpoint. Seriously, I'd love to see some of these bowlers bowl for real to prove me wrong.

As for sanding by hand, sorry but I do it all the time. I refuse to pay money for coverstock adjustments. I've been doing it in my sink for years. I know how to and when to flip the ball on 6 sides so it's impossible to get it out of round. I also polish everything by hand which is a pain without a spinner but after 10 coats I can get it to a gloss.

Edited on 8/24/2006 10:27 PM