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Author Topic: The One just sucks  (Read 10540 times)


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The One just sucks
« on: December 06, 2005, 12:43:15 AM »
The last time I said this about a ball it was the EMB.  Out of the box this ball skids way too much (drilled as recommend on the ball decal) and when it hits the dry it over reacts way too much. If there is any carry down forget it.  

This is not even a medium ball out of the box let alone a heavy oil ball.  (I know its not a heavy oil ball),  If this ball doesn't find a dry patch somewhere, it will skate forever.

So I took some polish off on my home spinner and it was a little better.  I took it to a pro shop for them to take some more polish off and it was a touch better.  The ball still skids through oil like sharp ice skates on ice, but it does read the lane a little earlier and does work somewhat better in carry down playing a little straighter, but it is still strong off the break point and more consistent, not near as skid flippy, but then you have to be very consistent with your release.  If you come around the ball a little too much, the ball reaction is very erractic.

So the ball is driller unfriendly, the box surface on the ball is useless unless you want to see an erractic skid flip and the ball is extremely dependent on consistent (correct) ball release.  

But then the ball is no good on short oil either.  In either box condition or with polish removed, this ball over reacts when it hits the short oil pattern.  The ball hasn't rolled out/burned up on me, it keeps on hooking, but off the lane.

This is my opinion and I compare it to the EMB. I throw all Ebonite now, so its not a slam on Ebonite. I see that others love this ball.  Thats great.

I throw the XXXcel, Big Time Sanded, Big Time Pearl, Cross Fire and struggling with The One.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2005, 07:18:51 PM »
The One has a nice arce doesnt mean its weak or aggressive it just means it rolls smooth in the back. it depends on how you drill it to you can make it weak or strong. The ball by far doesnt suck it just doesnt work for you. that goes with any ball. I have tried The One and just wasnt for me I was a kegel watching jason couch throw about 6 of them before going out on the tour, and he only like 2 of the ways it was drilled on of them was the one he made the Tv with and the other one was the one he used to quilify to make the tv drilled different but one was 3 boreds weaker than the other because when the lane dried up he could just which balls instead a ajusting...
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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2005, 07:24:28 PM »
A ball that is this drill sensative, surface prep even to Ebonite staff is too polished causing the ball to skate even in light conditions, over reacts when it does hit the dry lane and is very release sensative is a ball that sucks in my opinion.

I think this ball sanded workes well in an easy house shot, but put it on a tough condition, (short oil) reverse block, flat oil pattern) the ball is useless.  If you don't have a nice easy house shot where you can send the ball through some oil, out to a dry area outside of the 10 board and bank the ball to the pocket, the ball reaction is very erractic.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Mr Mustard

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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2005, 09:15:46 PM »
nicanor, you seem to contradict yourself numerous times. You say that the ball may not suit your game or the drilling may not unleash the power of the ball yet you periodically say "it sucks" or it "flat out sucks".  I personally love the ball and have yet to see anyone that doesn't love the ball.  My One is drilled pin approx 4.5" from pap 4" above mid with the mb swung out 2.5", no weight hole.  It is long with a hard arcing backend.  My friend drilled up his first One with a pin to pap of approx. 4.5 but with a pin above mid of only 2" and the mb was just about stacked.  This One tended to react earlier and elicit a lower overall hook on our medium oil house shot.  The ball tended to drive only when used fairly direct.  Wanting the long and strong ball that was advertised he sold his first one in favor of another drilled similar to mine. I must say that I believe this ball to be very versitile, being very readable and controlled.  I have seen it used on difficult shots to much success. Even you have seen it work on a difficult shot as Jason Couch rolled it to victory a couple weeks ago.


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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2005, 07:52:46 AM »
Mr. Mustard,  I did not contradict myself, I was just trying to be politically correct.

Triman,  in this post I have written why I think this ball sucks.  It was a rational explanation why I think this ball sucks.

I tried The One again in league last night.  It was one of those conditions that you can bounce off the outside.  I followed the oil line all night because there were all right handers most playing the same line.  I moved left and followed the oil line all night.  If I tugged the ball left though just a touch, the ball skated and looked like it would never turn over.  Early, if I got the ball outside too early, the fresh condition let the ball play bumper against the oil line and I had a good shot.  But as the night wore on, if I got the ball out to the dry too soon, it over reacted.  A good bowler making a consistent shot would keep the line and follow the oil without difficulty, but me with my 189 average has difficulty with precise accuracy.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 12/7/2005 8:45 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2005, 10:31:29 AM »
My One is drilled pin under bridge and rolls great. I wanted this ball for playing more up the track and when I need a straighter trajectory thru the heads and it works fine for me. Granted there does need to be some dry somewhere in OOB condition. I agree it is speed and release sensitive. I said this awhile back when I saw the ball being used at the PBA stop in chicago, as did many of the bowlers. I think its a good ball, but its not the "end all be all" that some make it out to be. I think the Overtime is much "bowler and driller friendly" ball. If the ball is release/speed sensitive and you average 190 you should want a ball that in essence would be "making you better". In closing, Id say tweak the surface.
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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2005, 10:51:15 AM »
Trade the ball off for something you would like and be done with it, unless you are going to redrill and then if you hate it the ball is worth 20 bucks. I know the ball is very release sensitive and unless you redrill the ball for your game it will be too much of a crap shoot to find the right pattern for you.

If you can trade someone for an overtime or big time and you will be happy to get rid of a ball that wont work for you. I watched 2 of them last night game 1 the guy had a great look shot 218, he whiffed 3 10 pins. Games 2 and 3 he tried to move in ball would hang some shots and other times come in high, he went about 160 something twice. I just watched and thought will maybe i am not the only person not able to use this ball with success, i was using my new ambush thinking wow i have control of this pair and the bowler with the one ball is flipping lost in space somewhere. I dont think medium skilled players all have the ability to chase the oil inside and this guy had decent hand and tilt. I stayed inside of him about 5 boards and was blowing the rack apart with flush shots, sometimes opening the lanes up just ight not be your game.


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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2005, 05:48:49 PM »
Thank you again Triman.  One of the things I said in an earlier post was that was Ebonite's recommendation.  take the ball down to about 1000.  They know for most average bowlers 4000 is too much polish.  

the shot was easier last night then it has been in the past.  The point I was trying to make was, even at 1000 grit, The One will skid in oil looking for a dry spot before it reacts.  stay in the oil a little too long you never make it to the pocket, get in the dry a little too soon, the ball hooks and doesn't quit.

I stay away from the easy houses in San Diego and try to bowl leagues where the house has a hard time keeping the same shot (or close to it) every week.  They oil then allow open play, which is good but I wish they would give them both lanes.  That way you not playing both lanes totally different most of the time.  Never look for an easy house.  That way when I bowl against bowlers like Leftside (or is it Wrongside now)  I can kick his butt because he has an over inflated average due to an easy house shot

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Tony Banks

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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2005, 06:24:32 PM »
Still waiting for The One to hit the local Salvation Army shelves. No luck yet, but when it does I'll let y'all know. If any of you can't get the ball figured out after pulverizing the factory polish, I'll be glad to pay the shipping to 65203. That's what, about 7 times what the Salvation Army usually charges me for a good ball? Seriously though, I've got about $60.00 saved up for The One. Thanks!
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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2005, 02:24:56 AM »
My one is a 4"pin drilled pin above the ring @52.5 degrees with a small Xhole on my axis that puts the ball at 3/4oz positive side and 1/2oz finger, my pap is 5-7/8 over & 0

Surface is wetsand 4000 grit abrlon pad (just to break off the factory polish)

Averaging 224 with 37 games on it, if I just factor in just games bowled on a THS I'm at 230 for 24gms...

By far the best ball that I have ever owned. The layout on this ball makes the ball like a hockey stick, I find that I am 10 boards left to start the night than anything I own...

One of the most striking things that I have noticed about this ball other than the strikes..., is how clean this ball is in the fronts and how it reads the patterns. In using it in my last 4 league nights I have either been able to stand and throw in the same spot all 3 games or make a move some where towards the end of game 3... I don't remember any reactive ball that I have owned where I can walk off the lanes saying "wow... I never had to make a move all night..." My last 4 night series 977(4gms) 670(3mgs) 680(3gms) 978(4gms) 236avg

My before the One average was around 205, can't speak for the thread originator but for me, this ball is unbelievable for me...

Only one thing... I've got about 40 games on mine and I am still getting the same reaction from out of the box but I have had 2 people tell me that their "Ones" are already dead. They estimated they have about 100 or so games on them... I'm hoping that this is just a spuratic problem and won't happen to mine... if it does I'll post back....



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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2005, 07:18:34 AM »
I know there have bowlers who loves this ball but two things:

1)  A hockey stick reaction is not conducive to high scores to average bowlers.  Its too unpredictable.  For 230 bowlers with skills, I'm sure they can handle the over under a hockey stick reaction at the break point.

2)  I remember reading that there were bowlers that loved the Tombstone.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2005, 08:20:53 AM »
What's the matter Nicanor?  Sounds like the One is a perfect average maintenance ball for ya.    j/k

I haven't thrown the One, but I've seen it being thrown by all kinds of players and talent levels and on a variety of lane conditions.  While the break point is on the hard arc/slightly snappy side, I wouldn't call it uncontrollable.  The One looks like a winner to me, and I haven't thrown an Ebonite ball I've liked in years.  Either play with the surface some more, redrill it, or get rid of it.  Sounds like you just flat don't match up with it.  It happens.  As much as everyone loves the Lane#1 Cherry Pearl, it was a dud for me.
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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2005, 09:17:25 AM »

I don't believe you mentioned average maintenance to me

And how dare you say anything bad about Lane 1, the best ball manufactuer in bowling ball business

Hope things are well.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2005, 09:54:46 AM »
And how dare you say anything bad about Lane 1, the best ball manufactuer in bowling ball business

Nic, and you are throwing the one????????  

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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2005, 10:04:49 AM »
Hey Nic,

I trust just about anything that you say about a bowling ball (unless of course it is bad about Lane 1 ), even if you use the "in my opinion disclaimer.  Give me a call on my cell at 760-559-3932, I am currently in Vegas on business.  I would love to hear from you, since we have lost touch.  Hey Scott and Angela have a tourney they are sponsoring, in Vegas, in August, maybe we can get some of the old gang together.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

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Re: The One just sucks
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2005, 10:17:34 AM »
I saw the one in action last night in my proshop guys hand. We bowl on the same team and I was not impressed with it at all. He averages 215 to 220 and can hook anything including urethane across alley on a house shot. His one was not impressive at all. He left a ton of ten pins on good shots and had to change different hand positions in order to use it. Even when it made the turn to the pocket and drove it still managed to hit like a marshmellow. If he moved outside it was kind of erratic off the dry. He has his drilled with the pin to the right of ring finger and I belive cg kicked towards the pap, or stacked. I cant remember. For this to be a reactive ball that is suppose to be so pourish it surely skids way too much and wont handle any amounts of oil but a medium shot. If you are a track bowler with no hand who is throwing it up the gutter its probably great. But from what I have seen, it should be for someONE else.