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Author Topic: The One line .. Ball death?  (Read 8265 times)

Hand of God

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The One line .. Ball death?
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:39:27 PM »
I am curious, being a LaneMasters&Legends guy, I see the very high oil absoption rating on The ONE, and the Angular ONE and so on.. I am curious if you guys are experiencing loss of hook as the ball gets full of oil?  Balls that absorb oil like that should become saturated and loose reaction..

I am looking for an honest unbias reply from those of you that actually put 200 or so games on a ball from the ONE line... Especially looking for info on the Angular one.

Please be specific with your replies.
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Medium oil
Kong - 4.5 x 4.5 - Medium to light oil
White Dot -  Spare ball



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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2007, 06:49:50 PM »
I have had friends, competitors, and customers experience a SIGNIFICANT loss of reaction in EVERY ball in the Ebonite One series. This comes from people who clean their equipment religiously, some who clean them regularly, and some who clean them rarely to never. I would say that almost 100% of people I know who use the One series balls have seen a loss of reaction, and many have seen almost total death. The Total NV seems to be doing the same exact thing.

It is a symptom of the aggressive soaker covers that they are using. Take it or leave it, but be prepared to spend replacement money.

Now, not ALL Ebonite balls "die". This is a bit of a misconception, although they do have the reputation and there is obviously a REASON that this rep has started to preceed them.

Just my observations. No sugar coating and no bashing. Simply my experiences.
Trip-4 Bowling Supply
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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2007, 07:38:36 PM »
Ebonite balls have no problems with loss of reaction. I've had quite a few Ebonite or Hammer balls over the past couple years and as long as you keep them clean and maintained properly (like any brand of bowing ball) they are just fine. Most people are just too lazy. It's not the ball it's the bowler...

  The cookie cutter answer that comes in every one of these threads. Bull!! Ebo covers die. My Ebo covers die and you wont find anyone that takes better care of equipment. If you're throwing 500 RPM you wont really notice it as much. But for the average revver these balls will render themselves useless in a short period of time. I'm not saying ALL of them do, because obviously, I cant throw every ball. But i've had many, MANY Ebo covers die in the last few years.


A liberal is like a 10 year old playing Robin Hood.

I own 3 Ebonite balls. Do not state an opinion of yours as a fact, without any statistics or proof.

Ebonite Angular One - 25 Games - still doing awesome
Ebonite Total NV - Near 40 Games - Best condition yet
Ebonite Smash Time Pearl - 15 Games - and still beautiful

400 + RPM's although.
"Do you NV me?"
Ebonite Total NV Ebonite Angular One
Hammer Black Widow Ebonite Smash Time Pearl
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"

Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2007, 09:10:57 PM »

I own 3 Ebonite balls. Do not state an opinion of yours as a fact, without any statistics or proof.

Ebonite Angular One - 25 Games - still doing awesome
Ebonite Total NV - Near 40 Games - Best condition yet
Ebonite Smash Time Pearl - 15 Games - and still beautiful

400 + RPM's although.

  I did not state an opinion as fact. I stated a fact. Many Many of my Ebos died. That is a fact. I dont give a rat's bag what yours did. Mine died. I would gladly send them to you to test for yourself but I gave them all away. I have my AO left and Ebo replaced a couple of them which I sold. Fact. And your balls? 25 games....40 games.....just wait a bit.


A liberal is like a 10 year old playing Robin Hood.

Edited on 3/8/2007 10:14 PM Off-Ramp!           


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2007, 07:21:24 AM »
There is no death, it's merely a transition phase!


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2007, 07:29:30 AM »
My experience is like Greg's.  The Ebonite covers I have used and seen used generally have a short shelf life.  People who throw slower or higher revs don't notice the loss of reaction as much, but they do lose reaction when I watch them.  Almost all covers have the problem.  Ebonite is not alone:  TEC and TEC2 were horrible, as were the WOWII and later coverstocks from Track.  Superflex and PK18 were much better, but they too lose reaction overtime.  Ebonite ADMITS its equipment tends to lose reaction, they admitted it in their materials for "Hook Again."

Here is the tradeoff from what I have seen.  For 80-100 games (that's essentially a season in a league and, if you have two or three balls, a full season if you switch off even in multiple leagues) the AO is very good.  Sometime at the end of that period, it goes tube.
"Now lets see you do something really tough.  Like getting up."

I'm not sure about ebo balls, but I have a Track freak with Wow or Wow II with probably 1000 games on it, and it still reacts like the first day I threw it. I also have a fired up with almost as many games, and it hasn't lost any reaction. I will say that niether of those balls have the oil absorbtion rate that the one series has.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2007, 07:48:28 AM »
I have a Infinity One. I use it on Medium with almost nothing of maintenance it dies and it is my Spare Ball actually its OK because it was my fault.
My brother did buy one at the same time and use it at Medium to Dry. First it hooks, as soon as he learned to get a little hand on it burns up in the middle of the lanes. After a Month it dies. He resurfaced it an have it know on 2000 he use it on once in a week playing deep on Medium to Oily conditions and it works by far better then in OOB with no loss in over 100 games...BUT... he loves hes Bowling Balls, he give them names (kind of crazy) and clean every one after each set religiously.


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2007, 09:52:29 AM »
I bought a 16 lb One from purduepaul on here.He told me that he had only used it for 10 games,and when it arrived I took it in for redrilling.My pro shop operator agreed with that asessment.Since redrilling I've put around 80 games on it on various lane conditions.It has been resurfaced once bt going down to 500 Avralon and then back to 4000 one step at a time.It has been hot water and Dawn soaked 3 times.
 I have yet to see a loss of reaction.My specs are in my profile.Draw your own conclusions as to why Greg's and others have died,where others to include mine,haven't died...........
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2007, 11:11:02 AM »
My experience is like Greg's.  The Ebonite covers I have used and seen used generally have a short shelf life.  People who throw slower or higher revs don't notice the loss of reaction as much, but they do lose reaction when I watch them.  Almost all covers have the problem.  Ebonite is not alone:  TEC and TEC2 were horrible, as were the WOWII and later coverstocks from Track.  Superflex and PK18 were much better, but they too lose reaction overtime.  Ebonite ADMITS its equipment tends to lose reaction, they admitted it in their materials for "Hook Again."

Here is the tradeoff from what I have seen.  For 80-100 games (that's essentially a season in a league and, if you have two or three balls, a full season if you switch off even in multiple leagues) the AO is very good.  Sometime at the end of that period, it goes tube.
"Now lets see you do something really tough.  Like getting up."

I'm not sure about ebo balls, but I have a Track freak with Wow or Wow II with probably 1000 games on it, and it still reacts like the first day I threw it. I also have a fired up with almost as many games, and it hasn't lost any reaction. I will say that niether of those balls have the oil absorbtion rate that the one series has.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

DJ, I believe you believe that. But I think if I showed you tapes of how the ball originally reacted and how it reacts now, you would see the difference.  Balls are different, one from another because of inconsistency in coverstock mixes, curing, manufacturing etc.  But all balls lose reaction, and it is harder to see with dull balls than shiny balls, because dull balls (because of their "rougher") surface will tend to be smoother and earlier to begin with and as long as the surface stays dull, then simply move to reacting like a dull urethane ball.  The Freak, for example, lost the "snappy" reaction it had for me and for almost everyone I know if it was kept on the shinier side.  Kept dull, it hooked less and became more like a dull urethane ball over time.  I see this all the time.  I have a teammate who throws a dull, ebonite gyro urethane.  His ball "hooks", sometimes a lot.  But it does not have the type of reaction a new reactive or particle ball has.  Put a "dead" Freak in his hands and he'll probably notice an increase in hook but a very similar reaction.

The fact is, the more arcy a ball is, the less you will notice ball death because the change in reaction is gradual.  I have a fired up and it lasted about 800 games (with a couple of resurfacings) until it because essentially a shiny urethane.
"Now lets see you do something really tough.  Like getting up."
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2007, 11:24:08 AM »
Ebonite balls have no problems with loss of reaction. I've had quite a few Ebonite or Hammer balls over the past couple years and as long as you keep them clean and maintained properly (like any brand of bowing ball) they are just fine. Most people are just too lazy. It's not the ball it's the bowler...

  The cookie cutter answer that comes in every one of these threads. Bull!! Ebo covers die. My Ebo covers die and you wont find anyone that takes better care of equipment. If you're throwing 500 RPM you wont really notice it as much. But for the average revver these balls will render themselves useless in a short period of time. I'm not saying ALL of them do, because obviously, I cant throw every ball. But i've had many, MANY Ebo covers die in the last few years.


A liberal is like a 10 year old playing Robin Hood.

I agree with the excpetion of the Rev rate unless the rev rate is very slow or speed dominant. IMO, if you are bowling on your usual THS/fine china that is when you will notice the difference. Way too much friction on one of those shots. Anything hooks on them. I have personally seen MANY die also.

I have no reason to make up tales about Ebonite ball death. I personally like them and their reactions but, I cant handle them going away so quickly.

Edited on 3/9/2007 12:26 PM


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2007, 11:36:16 AM »
I was just wondering if any of you guys that said that they had lost ball reaction if you tried the ebonite hook again chamber thing.  From what i read its pretty good.  i was just wondering if it really worked.

Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2007, 12:36:58 PM »

I agree with the excpetion of the Rev rate unless the rev rate is very slow or speed dominant. IMO, if you are bowling on your usual THS/fine china that is when you will notice the difference. Way too much friction on one of those shots. Anything hooks on them. I have personally seen MANY die also.

I have no reason to make up tales about Ebonite ball death. I personally like them and their reactions but, I cant handle them going away so quickly.


  And I have no reason to fabricate anything about Ebo because i love their equipment. They are the only balls that match my game. I will continue to use them.

I was just wondering if any of you guys that said that they had lost ball reaction if you tried the ebonite hook again chamber thing. From what i read its pretty good. i was just wondering if it really worked.

   Read the entire thread. I own the Hook Again system.


Edited on 3/9/2007 2:50 PM Off-Ramp!           


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2007, 04:39:56 PM »
I'm shocked at all the responses about ball death.  I have had several bowling balls that had tons of games on them.  Not one of those bowling balls died.  Yes some have lost that NIB reaction but still hook nice and hit hard.

In fact, i've never had a ball die before.  What happens when your bowling balls die?  Does it hook like a white dot?  I'm curious because i've never seen this before.  Like I said, i've had balls loose there overall reaction once they break in.  I have never seen a ball die persay and not hook anymore.

I guess I must have some good luck when it comes to this.  For the guys that experience ball death should consider buying mid-priced equipment and just tossing the ball in the garabage after each season.  

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2007, 06:52:37 PM »
I'm shocked at all the responses about ball death.  I have had several bowling balls that had tons of games on them.  Not one of those bowling balls died.  Yes some have lost that NIB reaction but still hook nice and hit hard.

In fact, i've never had a ball die before.  What happens when your bowling balls die?  Does it hook like a white dot?  I'm curious because i've never seen this before.  Like I said, i've had balls loose there overall reaction once they break in.  I have never seen a ball die persay and not hook anymore.

I guess I must have some good luck when it comes to this.  For the guys that experience ball death should consider buying mid-priced equipment and just tossing the ball in the garabage after each season.  

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

 As I said, I have an AO that is a spare ball now. Nearly poker straight. I have had The One die, a Primal Instinct, a Savage Flip, and a few others. They just go straight.


A liberal is like a 10 year old playing Robin Hood. Off-Ramp!           


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2007, 07:54:53 PM »
My experience is like Greg's.  The Ebonite covers I have used and seen used generally have a short shelf life.  People who throw slower or higher revs don't notice the loss of reaction as much, but they do lose reaction when I watch them.  Almost all covers have the problem.  Ebonite is not alone:  TEC and TEC2 were horrible, as were the WOWII and later coverstocks from Track.  Superflex and PK18 were much better, but they too lose reaction overtime.  Ebonite ADMITS its equipment tends to lose reaction, they admitted it in their materials for "Hook Again."

Here is the tradeoff from what I have seen.  For 80-100 games (that's essentially a season in a league and, if you have two or three balls, a full season if you switch off even in multiple leagues) the AO is very good.  Sometime at the end of that period, it goes tube.
"Now lets see you do something really tough.  Like getting up."

I'm not sure about ebo balls, but I have a Track freak with Wow or Wow II with probably 1000 games on it, and it still reacts like the first day I threw it. I also have a fired up with almost as many games, and it hasn't lost any reaction. I will say that niether of those balls have the oil absorbtion rate that the one series has.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

DJ, I believe you believe that. But I think if I showed you tapes of how the ball originally reacted and how it reacts now, you would see the difference.  Balls are different, one from another because of inconsistency in coverstock mixes, curing, manufacturing etc.  But all balls lose reaction, and it is harder to see with dull balls than shiny balls, because dull balls (because of their "rougher") surface will tend to be smoother and earlier to begin with and as long as the surface stays dull, then simply move to reacting like a dull urethane ball.  The Freak, for example, lost the "snappy" reaction it had for me and for almost everyone I know if it was kept on the shinier side.  Kept dull, it hooked less and became more like a dull urethane ball over time.  I see this all the time.  I have a teammate who throws a dull, ebonite gyro urethane.  His ball "hooks", sometimes a lot.  But it does not have the type of reaction a new reactive or particle ball has.  Put a "dead" Freak in his hands and he'll probably notice an increase in hook but a very similar reaction.

The fact is, the more arcy a ball is, the less you will notice ball death because the change in reaction is gradual.  I have a fired up and it lasted about 800 games (with a couple of resurfacings) until it because essentially a shiny urethane.
"Now lets see you do something really tough.  Like getting up."

Well, in all fairness, I do keep it dull. But it still snaps when there is oil on the lanes. When there isn't, the ball rolls at about 30 feet, and hooks and dies. I also play outside lines where there usually isn't the same volume of oil that thre is inside, so I don't have these massive oil rings that some folks have. They are putting the same shot down now as they did 2 or 3 years ago, and I still get the same reaction.

I found that the fired up didn't really start shining for me until I put 50 games on it. Even after I got it resurfaced, I had to wait another 50 or so games to get it back to where it was. I have a TKO that probably has 1500 games on it, and hooks as much as my fired up does. I just don't throw it because its 16lb. But then again, that was power plus reactive, and it was like superflex..not a whole lot of oil absorbtion.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with you, but I suppose that I have seen with the one series is that they just become duds after a few hundred games. My fired up might hook one or two boards less than when I first owned it, but I've seen the ones go from hook monsters to plastic in half a season.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2007, 08:31:12 PM »
I'm shocked at all the responses about ball death.  I have had several bowling balls that had tons of games on them.  Not one of those bowling balls died.  Yes some have lost that NIB reaction but still hook nice and hit hard.

In fact, i've never had a ball die before.  What happens when your bowling balls die?  Does it hook like a white dot?  I'm curious because i've never seen this before.  Like I said, i've had balls loose there overall reaction once they break in.  I have never seen a ball die persay and not hook anymore.

I guess I must have some good luck when it comes to this.  For the guys that experience ball death should consider buying mid-priced equipment and just tossing the ball in the garabage after each season.  

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

You have got to be kidding. As far as what a dead ball does, I threw a buddys dead One (he didnt think it was dead BTW) and it had no defined backend. It would not hook on oil or dry. Actually, I threw my white dot on the same line and I covered alot more boards with the white dot. He got the ball at the beggining of the season and it is DOA now. Another friends angular one, same story.