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Author Topic: The One line .. Ball death?  (Read 8264 times)

Hand of God

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The One line .. Ball death?
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:39:27 PM »
I am curious, being a LaneMasters&Legends guy, I see the very high oil absoption rating on The ONE, and the Angular ONE and so on.. I am curious if you guys are experiencing loss of hook as the ball gets full of oil?  Balls that absorb oil like that should become saturated and loose reaction..

I am looking for an honest unbias reply from those of you that actually put 200 or so games on a ball from the ONE line... Especially looking for info on the Angular one.

Please be specific with your replies.
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Medium oil
Kong - 4.5 x 4.5 - Medium to light oil
White Dot -  Spare ball



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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2007, 08:49:42 PM »
I never had an Ebonite ball experience "death" as some others here have, but ALL of my Ebonite equipment (maybe 10 total) lost reaction much quicker than other brands. My personal preference is with the L/LM and the Brunswick Lane#1 lines for durability.


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2007, 08:53:48 PM »
I never experienced complete ball death, but my The One was used for 200+ games efficiently. I never noticed a change in reaction until after about 150 games. Of course, I never cleaned my balls at that time (I do now). Ball still worked great on mediums.


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2007, 10:51:18 PM »
  You have got to be kidding. As far as what a dead ball does, I threw a buddys dead One (he didnt think it was dead BTW) and it had no defined backend. It would not hook on oil or dry. Actually, I threw my white dot on the same line and I covered alot more boards with the white dot. He got the ball at the beggining of the season and it is DOA now. Another friends angular one, same story.

I'm not kidding bud.  I'm being completely serious about this subject.  I have seen some bowling balls loose there hitting power and hook but not to the point where it acted like a spare ball.  I'm sorry but I have never seen this.

You say your buddies ONE hooked less than your WHITE DOT on the same line.  Well then you guys must have been bowling on some serious dry lanes.  Are you sure it wasn't burning up?  Now I have seen balls burn up and not hook much.  I have seen bowling balls burn up and not hit good.  I have never seen a performance ball loose all it's hook and ended up hooking less than plastic.  Now way have I ever seen that.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2007, 10:54:02 PM »
  You have got to be kidding. As far as what a dead ball does, I threw a buddys dead One (he didnt think it was dead BTW) and it had no defined backend. It would not hook on oil or dry. Actually, I threw my white dot on the same line and I covered alot more boards with the white dot. He got the ball at the beggining of the season and it is DOA now. Another friends angular one, same story.

I'm not kidding bud.  I'm being completely serious about this subject.  I have seen some bowling balls loose there hitting power and hook but not to the point where it acted like a spare ball.  I'm sorry but I have never seen this.

You say your buddies ONE hooked less than your WHITE DOT on the same line.  Well then you guys must have been bowling on some serious dry lanes.  Are you sure it wasn't burning up?  Now I have seen balls burn up and not hook much.  I have seen bowling balls burn up and not hit good.  I have never seen a performance ball loose all it's hook and ended up hooking less than plastic.  Now way have I ever seen that.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

  Come to Escanaba next Wednesdy and i'll show you. Off-Ramp!           


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2007, 11:09:36 PM »
Woooly pretty much covered it.
If you clean and maintain your ball properly,
you won't have any problems.
My Angular absorbs a ton of oil and will lose some hook, but a hot water bath
will bring it back to it's normal reaction.

  BS. Another cookie cutter response. If you word this to say that YOUR Ebo covers dont die, then i'll believe you. But to have YOU tell ME that mine didn't die?? Not a chance, pal. Mine have been cleaned every set, wiped between shots, deep cleaned every 4 sets, and had the surface touched up when necessary. Soaking, baking, beating, burying in a sandpile, dropping from the space shuttle, wiped accross a baby's butt wont help these balls. Ebo even took the Orginal One back and replaced it. So, in my basement i have a Primal Instinct, Savage Flip, and an AO that are boat anchors. I got rid of the rest.


A liberal is like a 10 year old playing Robin Hood.

What's the spec on the flip??




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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2007, 11:27:36 PM »
I'm shocked at all the responses about ball death.  I have had several bowling balls that had tons of games on them.  Not one of those bowling balls died.  Yes some have lost that NIB reaction but still hook nice and hit hard.

In fact, i've never had a ball die before.  What happens when your bowling balls die?  Does it hook like a white dot?  I'm curious because i've never seen this before.  Like I said, i've had balls loose there overall reaction once they break in.  I have never seen a ball die persay and not hook anymore.

I guess I must have some good luck when it comes to this.  For the guys that experience ball death should consider buying mid-priced equipment and just tossing the ball in the garabage after each season.  

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

I was also wondering... I have some very old balls that still performs.

bought a Tiger, Pantera, Apex Intensity in 1999.  Was really into bowling then.  I had two leagues and would practice about 2 to 3 day (8 games each)  Practice tapered off in 2005.  That's about 1000 per year. Not counting the big open tournaments.  Yes the reaction is not that same as new -this is to be expected.  But about two months ago still shot a 257 game with the tiger, still can't use the apex cause oil is getting scarce.  The Pantera I would say has lost the most.. but it was my most used ball on heavy oil.

about 3 years ago, bought 2nd hand from a national player a flip and an obsession.  That obsession has cracked ( a nice straight line LOL!!), but prior to that was a dependable ball for heavy lanes (highest was a 279), the flip is still going strong.

Have a savage pearl that is about 4 years old and still has a continous hook.  About 2000 plus games at least on that ball.

and so on.. I do wipe after every shot, a carry over from urethane days.  do extra cleaning with Hook it and renew it every few months. Haven't had to do a water bath, or Ebo's hook-again since the oil patterns became lighter. (about 18 months now.)




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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2007, 06:15:09 AM »
  You have got to be kidding. As far as what a dead ball does, I threw a buddys dead One (he didnt think it was dead BTW) and it had no defined backend. It would not hook on oil or dry. Actually, I threw my white dot on the same line and I covered alot more boards with the white dot. He got the ball at the beggining of the season and it is DOA now. Another friends angular one, same story.

I'm not kidding bud.  I'm being completely serious about this subject.  I have seen some bowling balls loose there hitting power and hook but not to the point where it acted like a spare ball.  I'm sorry but I have never seen this.

You say your buddies ONE hooked less than your WHITE DOT on the same line.  Well then you guys must have been bowling on some serious dry lanes.  Are you sure it wasn't burning up?  Now I have seen balls burn up and not hook much.  I have seen bowling balls burn up and not hit good.  I have never seen a performance ball loose all it's hook and ended up hooking less than plastic.  Now way have I ever seen that.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

I know how to read ball reaction buddy. I am 100% positive it was not burning up! Ball was actually that dead!