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Author Topic: the original one vs. angular one  (Read 973 times)

iron chariots 02

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the original one vs. angular one
« on: January 14, 2007, 01:36:56 PM »
just one question for anyone who has thrown both on the same condition:

is the difference in reaction between the two as drastic as ebonite shows
on their "series spotlight"? do they both go about the same length down the
lane or does the angular one have both a earlier and stronger move? is it
opposite? does the one burn off its energy faster because of its solid
coverstock even though the angular one has a more aggressive but pearlized
coverstock? jeff, what makes the original one your personal favorite of all
of the one series balls? is the angular one too aggressive for you or make
you play a steeper launch angle than you like to start out with?



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Re: the original one vs. angular one
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 12:39:54 AM »
I will try and add my $.02 now that I have had some more experience with both balls.

Originally...I hated The One.  When the shot broke down I had trouble finding a decent line.  It would over-react or under-react.  I threw it in the closet after several frustrating tries.  It was great on the opening shot, but that didn't last long in a team league environment.  

The Angular One had problems with opening up the lane.  It was great with everything else.  So I hated it because it didn't play to what I would consider my versatility.  

The Angular One has "woken up" recently, and out of the blue, I decided to try The One again.  Needless to say...they are both in the bag again.

Here's my observations.

As Jeff has said before...both are very clean through the heads.  I haven't found a shot yet where it is anything different.  

My The One is a blem with a 1inch pin.  It is drilled pin under ring, MB in the strong positon.  A large X-hole is located approx 2 inches under my PAP on my about even with my thumb hole.

The Angular One is drilled pin over bridge, MB in the same position.  A smaller X-hole located about even with my PAP past my VAL in a flare increasing position.

They both get down the lane about the same.  I would say the AO is a bit longer.  The backend on The One is smoother.  The One gives me a better read to the lanes that AO.  For me...with the AO once it starts to read, it starts to hook.  The One skids, gets into a visible roll, gets to the breakpoint then goes.

The Angular One is like nothing I have seen in terms of hooking.  This ball comes back from anything.  I have played it on floods where everyone was leaving washouts because they couldn't recover enough.  This ball is at least 3-5 boards stronger in terms of where I have to start on the approach.  The backend move is far stronger and obviously more angular.  It is not skid/flippy like my Xcel Pearl...but it definitely comes around the corner more than my The One.  As mentioned by several other posters here:  the ball isn't angular in terms of all equipment in the market, but it is definitely more angular than any other ball in this lineup.

In terms of versatility...the AO is still a versatile ball.  I can play it from a variety of angles and is great on the heavier conditions I see at my house.  Whereas everyone else has to pipe it at the pocket for any chance at a strike...I can play straight up the usual oil track line, ride up the gutter, or play a swing.  That is what I love about it in league: I always have more options than most.  People tell me they are impressed by how well the ball recovers from the apparent "no man's land" on the lanes.  Oh, and I haven't had issues with carry down either.

Speaking of carrydown-The One when I threw it originally hated carry down. It would just die.  Maybe it was something in my release or whatever, but as the night moved on and more oil was pushed...I had trouble getting it to move strongly.  It doesn't appear to have that problem anymore, it turns and finishes strong with great carry.  But the AO just seems to have a stronger backend.  I have left more solid 8 or 9s with this ball than any other.

As far as oil is concerned.  People around me are always saying its for heavier oil.  I've played it on fresh shots and torn up open play shots, and I haven't found a shot where either one was un-useable.  As volume increases, the AO is obviously the better choice.

Between the 2. I just prefer the One more in terms of how it reads the lane, and the control it offers.  I used to hate this ball with a passion, now the more I use it, the more I wonder how I have gotten along without it.  Honestly though, the two seem to compliment each other very well, and you probably can't go wrong with either one.

Hope this helps