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Author Topic: The Results are in for the One  (Read 1786 times)


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The Results are in for the One
« on: December 21, 2005, 12:26:57 PM »
Got the ball today.  Hoping for a longer pin...nope.

Ball specs:
Weight: 15lbs
Top Weight: 2.5oz
Pin Length: 1.5 inches

Pin under ring.  
MB in strong (2.5 in away from thumb hole)
X-Hole 2inches down from my PAP on the VAL
Drilled back to about 1/15oz positive sideweight

God only knows.  League bowlers were complaining of lack of hook, I had too much.  Guessing probably the usual pattern that stops on 10 buffed out to about 30-35ft.  No walled shot.

Preferred line-15 out 7 and back.
I played the dots game today.

Specs for me (updated)
High end tweener
Med-Low ball speed
Med-High revs

First arrow:
Stood on 15 aiming for 5.  Pretty much down and in.  I put 0 side turn on the ball and came straight up the back.  Rolled smooth through the heads, once it found a dry spot it came shooting off.  Crossed over the headpin for a brooklyn strike.  I tried to move a few boards left but ended up flaring it out to about 2-3 and it went through the nose leaving double wood.

Second arrow:
Again.  Down and in.  Moved over to 20.  Same deal...once it hit dry it still crossed over.  Moved over 2 and aimed at 8.  Ball again cleared the heads nicely and crushed the pocket

Third arrow:
Started flaring the ball out now.  Out to about 8.  Crushed the pocket, still left a few ringing 10s and solid 7s that my house is notorious for.  Shot started to break down and I pushed the ball out to the gutter.  

Fourth arrow:
There was oil there (everyone plays down and in on the this is no mans land).  Pushed it out to about 8 again, ball came in but has burned up on the it was a weak hit that surprisingly still carried.  Moved a board in and pushed the ball out to about 4-5 and got the same results.

Stopped there because that's about as deep as I move on league shots.

Summary:  Dang this ball clears the heads like nothing.  Even with a shorter pin and "early rolling" layout this ball still gets great length and comes back strong.  All I can say is that this ball is SMOOTH. It's hard to describe, the ball still makes a hard turn...but its just smooth.  (sorry my adjectives for this review suck)

I will post up reviews on a few shot tomorrow after league.  But even for a broken down mess of a league shot this ball still rolled great, the challenge as with any line is finding a line.



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Re: The Results are in for the One
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2005, 08:36:16 PM »
redline, nice post! Looks like we have similar specs and style. I kind of got the same results as you did. Check out my mini-review, review and video in the Ebonite forum and section.

Good luck with it!
Regards, M.C. RAMmer
Official Jerry Rice Cabbage Patch Dancing Instructor


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Re: The Results are in for the One
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 12:25:58 AM »
yah I checked out your reviews prior to drilling mine up.

I had been getting SO many mixed suggestions about the ball.  Like pin up, or
pin down.  Strong MB, 90degree MB, etc etc etc etc.  

I normally drill my equipment like this since I like the smooth roll that the ball gives me...but wow...this ball defies even those standards.


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Re: The Results are in for the One
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2005, 01:05:02 AM »
It burned up at 4th arrow but crossed over off the first without burning up??  I'm confused.


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Re: The Results are in for the One
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 10:25:01 AM »
sort of.  Like I said, it's tough to describe.

Just visually, the ball reaction was different.  Still fed
it out to the same breakpoint, but instead of showing up strong at
the pocket it came in light.  Probably because it never grabbed the lane.

It had a similar backend to a BVP Rampage I drilled up with pin over my middle finger that would get could length but just die on the last 5 ft to the pocket.
I mean it was cool that ball still carried through for a strike, but I can't count on lucky deflections all the time.

When I was playing the down and in lines the ball actually showed no signs of burning up.  Just went long, bounced off the dry and just kept hooking.  In comparison, when I threw some of my other equipment like my Inferno drilled pin over ring finger, that ball would bounce off the dry and just die leaving some sort of washout.  

Point being, this ball is just a lot smoother and more continuous.  I need to play a fresh shot to actually get a feel for how this ball does on oil.  More than likely I am guessing I will be using this ball as the lanes transition to get more push down the lane.  I will be able to post up a better review once I play on a fresh shot.