I have three balls drill RICO, Brunswick Sidewinder (polished w/finesse-it), Storm Fear Factor (OOB), Ebonite Overtime (4000 abralon + renew-it polish and control-it polish).
All three give me a different look more so because of the coverstocks. Storm fear Factor extra hole is 5" from grip center not 6 and 3/4, following
www.brunsnick.com instructions. On a assym core you do not want to drill into the MB. In a symm core you drill 6 and 3/4 away from grip center at 45* to add assym to the core. According to Ric Hamlin you need the weight hole to get the reaction even if the ball is within compliance.
For my game (power weener, high axis rotation, 15-17.5 mph) it gives me a very controlled look off the break point. I drilled these up to compliment the other balls in my arsenal. The sidewinder being my bench mark ball, and adjusting from there.
I really like this drilling and have been going away from the pin over fingers drill because of the over/under reactions that they give ME. By dropping the pin position, the control off the breakpoint is much easier to read.
when looking at different drill, look at your current equipment, if you want more control off the break point, then try RICO, just pick the right ball for what you want it to do.
Hope that helps!