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Author Topic: Thoughts on The One??  (Read 1158 times)


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Thoughts on The One??
« on: March 06, 2006, 06:21:26 AM »
Ok, so I have been looking at getting one of these since it has first came out and even more after how popular it seems to have gotten. So for all of you that have this ball, what are your thoughts on it? Good? Bad? Ok? What are the primary conditions you use it on? What is it drilled to do? And so on....

I'm looking for this ball to go "long and strong", so I can play deep with it on medium to heavy oil and flat patterns. Also playing the ditch on most sport shots.

I want this ball to give me back-end like I said, a different look from my AI(which is more of an Arc). So looking at it from the "hook" stand point it will go below my AI in hook. BUT above in back-end. So a good compliment. Right?

So it will go in my arsenal like this....

The One
Zone Classic

Thoughts on this please??



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Re: Thoughts on The One??
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 02:58:42 PM »
I bought this ball a couple of weeks ago.  I am averaging between 212 - 217 in three leagues in three different houses.  I have bowled six league nights with this ball and have not shot lower then 688 with a high series of 757.  This ball hits and carries unbelievably well.

the pizz

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Re: Thoughts on The One??
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 03:02:48 PM »
do u read in this section of the forum? there are numerous threads that have covered most of your questions.

the comparisons to the absolute is that, this ball (if drilled properly) will make a stronger turn at the breakpoint..

depending on the lanes i have seen this ball make a distinct left turn and recovered from god knows where!! but u want this ball for deeper lines..

id suggest the pin about 2-3" and if u have a choice get one where the cg mark is to the right of the pin/bomb line.

put the pin under the ring finger and the bomb stacked under the pin (prolly under the thumb) pop a weight hole 4.5 over on the midline 1" bit 1" deep (depending on top weight but try not to go more than an inch deep so u dont take away from the block)

this type of drilling will keep the MB more in line with track of the ball.. making it smooth thru the heads... when the ball turns over, it will give it a stronger back end with a ton of stored energy.

the further the MB is from the thumb the sooner it will commit to the roll.. leaving less on the back end.
Paul Smith
04/05 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
Ebonite Regional Staff
"Bowl to Win"


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Re: Thoughts on The One??
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 03:12:17 PM »
Thanks for all the good info Paul!
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!! Check it out!