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Author Topic: Thunderbolt  (Read 6079 times)


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« on: November 21, 2007, 01:40:05 AM »
I was in my brothers pro shop last week, and his owner brought in about 6 bowling ball and told him to throw them in the garbage.  I could see why to throw away 5 of them but then I saw this Thunderbolt.  Some of you may know what this ball is.  I had one when I was in the 5th-6th grade, and ball was awesome!  I told my bro to hang on to it and I'll get it drilled up.   It was drilled for a left hander, and had a pretty good track burnt into it.  I resurfaced it to 1000, started at 220 and ball look pretty decent now.  I drilled it up and left  the surface alone.

I bowled league with it on Monday night, and latley been having problems with my reactive stuff just not being consistant (maybe it was me).  I shot 235, 279, 233 and 201.  My carry was awesome, and really made me focus on every shot.  Is it that throwing a urethane ball makes me a better bowler?



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Re: Thunderbolt
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2007, 05:28:55 PM »
Thunderbolt was a good ball.  I liked mine but did not care for the Dual Thunderbolt as much.

Sounds like the urethane Thunderbolt matched up better for you on those lane conditions or you had to concentrate more on each shot instead of trusting the THS?


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Re: Thunderbolt
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 06:46:24 PM »
loved my thunderbolt.  trying to remember,  early 80's right.
seems i got that ball right after using the magnum series balls.