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Author Topic: TNV Coverstock  (Read 4579 times)


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TNV Coverstock
« on: February 22, 2007, 02:39:33 AM »
Had my ball a week now and bowled about 25 plus games with my TNV and for some reason my coverstock looks awful. I wipe it off before each throw with an oil-free towel and after I'm done bowling I apply energizer cleaner throughly all over the ball but there are still track marks very visible on the ball and in some spots in the track it seems as if the cover has worn down. Help!!!! What proceedures/steps should I take after I'm done bowling to recover the coverstock to original form.  And how do I get it back to original form now?



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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2007, 03:10:15 PM »
Why not just take ball into proshop and have them hit it with 500,1000,2000 and then 4000. After that hit it with factory polish.I know not alot of games , but lane condition being too dry might tear up the ball alittle more.

Jeff Ussery

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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 03:17:48 PM »
Cleaning your Total NV with an Oil-Free Towel and Energizer Cleaner is the recommended procedure for maintaining your ball.

Bowling centers have different friction levels, different surfaces, and cause different levels of damage to bowling balls.  I've thrown a couple of my Total NVs for well over 100 games, and they almost appear brand new.  But I've essentially only thrown them on sythetic surfaces that do very little damage to balls traditionally.

Check with your local pro shop professional and they can suggest a routine maintenance schedule for your new ball.  Good luck!
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline - 785-843-2658
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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2007, 04:04:50 PM »
...I've thrown a couple of my Total NVs for well over 100 games, and they almost appear brand new

I gotta call BS on this.

I to bowl on sythetic lanes and I have put 3 games on mine, and the ball looks like trash afterwards. This is a very well maintained house, the best in the area.

I just shot 3, yes thats three games on it last night and the ball looks like it gots hundreds of games on it.

Jeff I don't know how you can put 100 games on it and it still looks almost new. you know yourself the coverstock is very soft on the TNV and it puts up nicks and indents more then other balls.

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Edited on 2/22/2007 5:13 PM


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2007, 04:39:31 PM »
I have to second what 302efi has said. MY TNV picks up alot of dirt after 3 games. It takes me about 20 minutes (by hand) to clean it with an oil free towel and energizer cleaner..

I bowl on sythetics only as well and always wipe the ball down before each shot..

Not sure what Jeff is doing to have his looking like new..

...I've thrown a couple of my Total NVs for well over 100 games, and they almost appear brand new

I gotta call BS on this.

I to bowl on sythetic lanes and I have put 3 games on mine, and the ball looks like trash afterwards. This is a very well maintained house, the best in the area.

I just shot 3, yes thats three games on it last night and the ball looks like it gots hundreds of games on it.

Jeff I don't know how you can put 100 games on it and it still looks almost new. you know yourself the coverstock is very soft on the TNV and it puts up nicks and indents more then other balls.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...

Edited on 2/22/2007 5:13 PM

I think the great slump of 2006-2007 is finally coming to an end!!
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!

Jeff Ussery

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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2007, 05:11:09 PM »
Sorry gang, but that's all I do.  I clean my stuff with Energizer.  Every 25 games or so I reapply some Factory Finish polish.  That's it.  The center I bowl league in doesn't damage bowling balls up much at all, so I just don't have a lot of track wear in mine.

It certainly may not always be the case, as different bowling centers do different amounts of damage to bowling balls.
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline - 785-843-2658
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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2007, 05:17:55 PM »
I can see this being a problem on lanes that have extremely dry backends.Especially with a ball that is that soft. I bowl on a medium to heavy  oil shot,sythetic lanes. Ball only have about 15 games on it and it looks great. gonna get a oil free towel this week and i do use the energizer cleaner. Goodluck to ya.

Big Jake

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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 05:27:38 PM »
Bowling centers have different friction levels, different surfaces, and cause different levels of damage to bowling balls. I've thrown a couple of my Total NVs for well over 100 games, and they almost appear brand new. But I've essentially only thrown them on sythetic surfaces that do very little damage to balls traditionally.

I gotta call BS on this.

Easy does it now!! Jeff is great guy and NOT a liar. He is always helping everyone out and taking his own time and making videos for everyones own pleasure to observe how a ball rolls and also taking time out to answer questions.

Also, try taking time out to read Jeff's post again:

...I've thrown a couple of my Total NVs for well over 100 games, and they almost appear brand new.

See, he says they "ALMOST APPEAR", he doesn't say they "ARE" new like you had read into it. And quite frankly I believe him as I have no reason not to.

I have only used my "TNV" last Sunday morning a lot and then in league for one game on Monday night and in all of last nights league and the only difference is the brand-new-shine on the ball is gone somewhat...but the ball is not beat up at all.

Also don't forget Jeff will clean and maintenance his gear probably after every set or close to it

But, however, so far I would say that the ball does have a couple little nicks in it but nothing that ANY of my balls doesn't have.

Big Jake

Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2007, 05:36:19 PM »
I apply energizer cleaner thoroughly all over the ball but there are still track marks very visible on the ball and in some spots in the track it seems as if the cover has worn down.

Consider using a liquid sandpaper abrasive like Neotac's Khameleon Particle Sand High Tech Ball Restorer.

Using only a paper towel, it thoroughly cleans (much better than Energizer) and removes all belt/track marks. It's not overly abrasive, and will take many, many applications before you see any dulling of the cover. In the cases where I want to mildly refresh original shine a little by hand, I use a small amount of Renew-It.

This doesn't replace periodic maintenance on the spinner, but it's a quick and easy way to maintain your equipment that tracks up on an on-going basis.

"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 2/22/2007 6:36 PM


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2007, 05:41:55 PM »
the lanes that I bowl on have been known to damage ball. They are wood lanes with very dry backends. I just wanted to make sure that I'm doing everything I can to ensure that the ball maintains it maximum proformance. I'll be the first to tell anyone that I'm learning as I go. So how much does it usually cost for the club pro to hit the ball with 500, 1000, 2000 4000 and then apply polish? Is it expensive?


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2007, 05:48:12 PM »
STEVEN~  Consider using a liquid sandpaper abrasive like Neotac's Khameleon Particle Sand High Tech Ball Restorer.

You actually use this on your TNV?


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2007, 07:29:49 PM »
the lanes that I bowl on have been known to damage ball. They are wood lanes with very dry backends. I just wanted to make sure that I'm doing everything I can to ensure that the ball maintains it maximum proformance. I'll be the first to tell anyone that I'm learning as I go. So how much does it usually cost for the club pro to hit the ball with 500, 1000, 2000 4000 and then apply polish? Is it expensive?
I usually only pay between 20 and 30 bucks. Owner is a friend though.


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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 08:01:19 PM »
hey, I meant no disrespect to Jeff.. He is a great guy and an asset to this forum. Jeff, you took something I said the worng way, I apologize.. I was just agreeing with 302efi as far as how dirty the balls get in just a few games..
I think the great slump of 2006-2007 is finally coming to an end!!
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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2007, 08:30:34 PM »
Yup, you use an Ebonite oil free towel and energizer cleaner and your Ebonite ball will never loose reaction. I call B.S. bigtime!!!! Yeah, the towel is good and the cleaner is OK (there are better) but the problem is some of the covers to start with. I am sorry but, it is laughable to really think some of them are designed to last a long time like some think on here. I threw a buddys One the other day and he didnt think anything was wrong with it but, I picked up my spare ball and covered alot more boards with it becasue the One was totally dead! He thought it was the lanes at fault until I did the comparision but, it was a HUGE equipment issue. His usual house is almost like a wet dry shot so, anything jumps off the spot and hooks. That is why he initially thought nothing was wrong with it. My home house isnt that way so, he saw the difference. I am sure some of the posters on here that dont have an "agenda" (paid by Ebonite in some fashion) fall into this catagory. Granted, the Oil free towel and Energizer cleaner can help probally prolong the life a bit, it will not cure ball death like some folks on here try to convince would be Ebonite buyers. Sorry guys but, some of these covers are not desinged to last a long time no matter what Big E says.

Just to set the record straight, I like Ebonite equipment alot but, I cant afford to keep buying replacements so, I throw other brands or covers that have been proven to hold up. I really wish they held up better becasue I really like the way I match up most of the time. I just wanted to point out that the cleaner and towel that is being preached on here is not the be all end all of ball death.

BTW folks, I baby my equpiment so, dont accuse me of not taking care of it and not cleaning it.

Edited on 2/22/2007 9:30 PM

Jeff Ussery

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Re: TNV Coverstock
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2007, 08:35:58 PM »
jkiser01 - No offense taken.  We certainly have a few centers in my area that can dirty a ball up really quickly.  I know the pain in trying to get some of that stuff off.  I do it every night after I bowl.

I'll be done replying to this topic now.  Thank you.
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline - 785-843-2658
Ball Videos at

Edited on 2/22/2007 9:34 PM