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Author Topic: tnv vs. the one or angular one  (Read 1141 times)

iron chariots 02

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tnv vs. the one or angular one
« on: February 19, 2007, 01:16:51 AM »
if anyone has a tnv and either the one or angular one can you tell me
if there's a big difference in the way that they roll? my tnv seems to
be weaker than my one but i thought that it would be better for oily
lanes because of the coverstock change. i know that the one has a higher
diff and lower rg and this probably explains the difference between the
two but i'd like to hear if anyone else has noticed this also. could it
be that my tnv is burning up quicker than the one? my tnv and my one have
the same drilling and original box finish if this helps.



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Re: tnv vs. the one or angular one
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 10:01:16 AM »
I have a TNV and a One.  The One out hooks the TNV and carries better.  I don't believe the TNV is burning up energy too soon.

The One has the pin above and a little right of the ring finger.  The TNV has the pin just below the ring finger.  The One has 150+ games on it and shows a considerable decrease in hook.

Greg T

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Re: tnv vs. the one or angular one
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 10:10:40 AM »

 I've had all three. The One is an excellent ball, although mine suffered cover death very quickly and then cracked. My Angular never really matched to me except for a track shot ball. The TNV is a whole new animal for me. Stronger, more carry and way more consistent and predictable than any of the One series.


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Re: tnv vs. the one or angular one
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 03:26:23 PM »
I have both Balls. I got the one over a year ago and now it is my spare ball. I also use it on light oil. The Total NV , i shot yesterdat in my league for 686. Gotta say i was not on by any means , but the ball carried everything. Light hits, high hits , shots i didn't ripp to well. Plus shell was still at 4000 and on a medium to heavy oil the reaction was by no means monsteriuos.Can't wait to shoot ball later in the week ,as i change the coverstock down to 1000. Good Luck