I agree, I would love to see reviews by your average house hack like myself. But....
Even then that guy probably doesn't roll like me or under the same conditions as me. So it probably won't help all that much.
I wish we could demo balls like you can demo golf clubs. Yea I've heard of demo days, but in my area those happen like once a year. I know I'm probably asking for the impossible, but maybe somebody out there in the industry will read this and figure out a way to make it happen. If he does find a way, I hope he lives in SoCal.
Just thinking, dealerships have demo cars. And once initial demand goes away they sell at a discounted price right??? Now what I don't know is if it's possible for a PSO to have a demo ball, say 15lbs, with average size span holes that can be fitted with interchangeable finger/thumb inserts to handle fine tuning of the fitment for the person wanting to demo it. Two demo balls, 1 male average hand size and the other female average hand size. Is that possible? I'll ask my PSO next time I see him.