This was good to watch because Tommy throws it so well, and that it wasn't edited.
This next part is not to criticize this video, but isn't it ironic that Tommy uses the same type description of the ball motion that many others have used, and get flamed on this site?
He used these phrases: "Consistent through the front part of the lane... Nice mid-lane ball reaction... Good back-end reaction to keep it going through the pins... Shelf appeal... Likes how it keeps the pins low... New cover technology... The ball just keeps going, move left and it keeps moving around the corner..."
My point is this: How many ways can one actually describe good ball motion, especially when thrown on a house shot? There are are only 60 feet and 39 boards to work with in about a 2-3 second window of watching. We all want those qualities in our equipment.
Nice job Mr. Jones, and maybe we all can cut one another a little slack as we try to post reviews, as we see them, with all this excellent equipment he have access to.
One other observation on my part. It seems to me that those to criticize reviews the most are people who don't post any reviews of their own; they just "heckle from the balcony", so to speak.
I have friends on Ebonite staff who will surely enjoy this ball. Good luck to all of us this season.