I've been told the shot on tour this week is very tight from one of the ball techs at Ebonite. Jason Couch was throwing the Total NV in practice and it was laboring getting to the hole. They put an NV in his hand and got a much stonger reaction. I see his first block he was +199. It's is at 15.1 about 25% stonger than the Angular and Quote "the biggest animal in the jungle" I like that phrase to describe a ball. I'll be going to the clinic in Milwaukee next Tuesday and am looking forward to it. The NV IS the "special". We know the shirt is in the package ahead of time. Ball deal is a free Total for every 4 purchased, maximum of 16. If you got the 16 you recieved a hi-"performance ball" free. The NV is that ball. Neat thing with the Total is it can be punched either way, symetrical or asymetrical and I'm told it's a "few" boards stronger than the Angular. Supposedly the Totals are shipping the week of the 5th of February so the public will have access to them very soon after. I see various online shops are having awesome advance orders specials on them.