I bought a used Ebonite 2 Piece Low Flare (that's what is says on the ball) a couple of years ago. Had it redrilled according to my specs with the pin beneath the finger holes about 3/4", CG slightly to the right of grip center.
The ball is mostly green, with some black/dark blue swirls mixed in. Looks like a pearl ball, quite shiny. Never used it much, but recently as I have gotten back into bowling, it seems to work great just throwing it up 9 or 10, just outside the oil line on a THS (synthetics).
Looking at the forum reviews for Stinger, it indicates that it is a low load particle ball. None of the pictures look at all like my ball, does Ebonite call green TEAL? Cannot imagine it has a particle load as my driller says it is a good dry lane ball.
In any event it seems as strong as any of my Infernos, and carries well.
I want to find another one either NIB or low games but want to be sure I know what it is.
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.