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Author Topic: Total Nv or Angular one more surface  (Read 1207 times)

DynoLess Daddy

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Total Nv or Angular one more surface
« on: May 22, 2007, 12:44:23 PM »
Alright everybody...

Looking to hear everyones response as to what has been matching up for everyone. Here is the deal:

Angular one and Total NV are to be hit with 4000 AB to know th eshine off a bit.

Which has been reading the mids better, etc, etc,  or more favorable for your style. Please let us know your preferred style. While all things are not equal and most balls are not drilled the same....just give your opinion. All are welcome.

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"See my vise as it rolls down the can't it revs too much"



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Re: Total Nv or Angular one more surface
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 11:22:43 AM »
I've run OOB, 4000 w/o polish, 2000 w/ light polish, and 1500 w/o polish on my TNV with #3 drill.

My experiences so far...

OOB: Difficult to make the turn on carry down conditions. Carried light pockets very good but again took a decent amount of hand to make a turn.

4000 w/o polish: Read mids better and makes arc a little smoother. Since the #3 drill on my ball already reads mids pretty well this was not a problem to begin with. I was easier to make the turn than OOB, aka less revolutions needed.

2000 w/ light polish: This is what I finally settled on and currently using. Carry is better then w/o polish. It's a nice balance for me in terms of snap at the break point and amount of revs to turn the corner. Plus it's very versatile,  I can use it for almost any lane condition with some success. Except for maybe heavy oil with a lot of carry down.

1500 w/o polish: I didn't keep the surface at this condition very long so my experience is limited. It was actually a hook monster with this condition. If you have a decent amount of hand but don't throw it at least 17mph I would stay away from this. Worked very well for carry down conditions. Out of all the surfaces I have tried this one had the hardest time taking out the corner pins.

Edited on 5/24/2007 11:22 AM

Edited on 5/24/2007 11:32 AM


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Re: Total Nv or Angular one more surface
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 11:40:42 AM »
I've thrown my TNV in its OOB condition, 2000 abralon, and 1000 abralon.  Though I've only been able to test this on a THS, I'd have to say that my best results have been in its OOB condition.  Next Monday, I'll get to see (pending the PBA condition) how it reacts on 1000.

The only true issue I have with this ball, is that it doesn't roll as strong as I wanted to-and that's neither my fault, nor the ball.  The pro-shop didn't drill it as strong as I requested.

High game-300
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Current Arsenal- Track Power Machine, Ebonite Total NV, Track Phoenix, Track Mean Machine, Track Phenom, and Track Silencer.