I can only give you MY experience with the one. I absolutely loved the ball when I first got it. By far, the best ball I have ever used. Mine died a very quick death. YES, I cleaned it after every set, I wiped it between shots, I soaked it, resurfaced it, blah blah blah. Once mine was gone it was gone. And it was a matter of 5 weeks, 2 leagues/wk.
Now, I drilled one up for someone else who NEVER wiped it, never cleand it, never touched the surface of it, and it is still going after all last season (two leagues) and this year so far. He loves it. Still reacts perfectly. I cannot tell you if there are some bad ones, or SOME good ones. My experience is 50%.
Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!
Ebonite xcel pearl for sale. NIB:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=003&item=130034435131&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1