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Author Topic: Update on The One  (Read 899 times)


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Update on The One
« on: December 23, 2005, 11:47:04 AM »
I bowled a few more games with the ball on a couple different shots.

see my other thread in this section for layout, bowler specs, etc.

Anyways I played on a broken down shot with decent results earlier.  Now I have the other two extremes of that.

Shot 1:  Dry

There was nothing out there.  The lane man that decided once in the morning was enough oil for the day.  Took out the Big Time pearl...threw from 25 out 5 breakpoint at about 35 ft....hooked clear into the other gutter.  So I figured what the heck...try The One.

Played the same line ball cleared the heads smoothly as usual, made a nice controlled turn and rolled up into pocket.  Everyone else was WAY under for the night, but I managed to still shoot above average.  Point being, this ball was playable on the driest shot I have seen all year without any massive over reations.

Shot 2:  Fresh THS

Fresh shot layed down today.  No wall, oil track up 10 to around 35-40ft.  I actually had trouble with this shot.  I played up the oil the first game with no problem.  After the first game the line was totally gone.  So I moved in.  The ball skidded through the oil to the breakpoint and couldn't recover.  I had to play a very tight line from 24 out to over 14 out to about 8.  It was pretty erratic.  Took out the Big Time Pearl and played my usual swing with better results.

Overall:  I need to get better at finding better line, or just taking practice a little more seriously (probably the latter).  Overall, I am still very pleased at the growing versatility of this ball (and my Big Time Pearl).  I would have liked more time on a fresh shot, but I am definitely going to agree with others around here that the OOB finish just doesn't like heavy oil.  I am now probably going to look for something to give me a different read than the Big Time but still stronger than my The One.

Still a great smooth and controllable ball, I'm sure I will grow to enjoy it more once I get used to it.