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Author Topic: V2 question  (Read 1010 times)

L o G

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V2 question
« on: February 06, 2005, 10:43:30 PM »
Hello all,

I am thinking of a new ball.  Looking at the v2 solid because it is still around so it must be a good ball.  I got a V2 pearl used and it was drilled with the pin at like 11:00 (the middle finger drilled into part of it) and the cg swung out to about 5:00.  This ball was way to strong for me.  I could play no shallower that 22 and would still come in high, and when I made it to the pocket 10 pin city.  So wiht all that said, would the V2 sanded srilled differently and the cover changed a little give me a reaction of decent length and an arcing backend.  Or is the RG to low for lenght?
The feeling gets so in my way
It's getting lost in my delivery
The feeling gets so in my way
I'm getting lost in your periphery



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Re: V2 question
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 08:39:14 AM »
The original V2 Pearl was a very good skid / snap ball and differs in reaction to the original V2.  If you polish the ball it will get decent length...bit it sounds like a V2 Clean might be a better choice for you just based on having to use the pearl from 22 or deeper.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA